2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

USFRA – A Unified Voice For U.S. Agriculture

Chuck Zimmerman

How many times have we heard of the need for a “unified voice for U.S. agriculture?” I lost count a long time ago. Now there is an effort underway to accomplish this much needed goal. Two days ago the legal papers were completed to form the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA). To learn the who/what/why I spoke with Rick Tolman, CEO, National Corn Growers Association. NCGA is one of more than 20 national food and agricultural organizations who sent representatives to a formation meeting where an agreement was reached to incorporate USFRA to “focus on working together to enhance U.S. consumer trust in modern food production that ensures the abundance of affordable, safe food.” Rick is chair of the USFRA Steering Committee. The photo above is of individuals who attended the formation meeting (thank you Steve Drake’s Facebook page!).

“Today represents a start toward a unified voice for U.S. agriculture,” said Rick Tolman, CEO of the National Corn Growers Association and chair of the USFRA Steering Committee. “While the results of today’s organizational meeting represent the culmination of six months of planning, it is only the beginning of a process designed to create a coordinated effort by and on behalf of U.S. farmers and ranchers. Several participants have stepped forward to officially join the Alliance. Others need to return to their boards to determine whether they will join.”

Rick told me that USFRA hopes to have its first campaign up and running shortly after the first of the year and will be sending out an RFP for a management organization to handle coordination since there are no plans to create a full time staff. He says they really hope to take advantage of the efforts already started by many organizations and coordinate them in a unified way so that consumers hear the same message. I asked him about the AgChat Foundation and he says that is a specific group that USFRA will be reaching out to as well as many others. Organizations have been asked to respond about affiliation no later than November 1. After that date, a board of directors will be established and will elect an executive committee. Rick says that members of the USFRA Board, its executive committee and its affiliated organizations will be announced formally in mid-November. If any farm group out there would like to become involved they are encouraged to contact Rick at NCGA or others that you’ll hear him mention in my interview.

You can listen to my interview with Rick here: Rick Tolman Interview

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