2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Get Aphid Alerts On Your Phone

Chuck Zimmerman

Aphid AlertsI’ll bet some of you think texting is just for a contest. That there’s really no worthwhile application to distribute information to your customers this way. Wrong. Check out Aphid Alerts via mobile phone texts, sponsored by Bayer CropScience. My good friend Joel Jaeger, Commodity Update, is the power behind the distribution and Corn and Soybean Digest is helping get the word out. And most importantly Rhea & Kaiser is the agency trying something new!

Welcome to the Aphid Alert
Sponsored by Leverage® 2.7 insecticide

This site is intended to provide you with information on insects that affect soybeans including life cycles, background on scouting of aphids and other insects, forms of prevention of yield loss from aphids, up-to-date scouting reports for your local area and helpful links to find more information.

To sign up for localized, personalized, real-time aphid pressure via text, e-mail or voicemail, click here to register.

Commodity Update and ZimmComm are working on a new project to further develop AgWired Mobile. Hopefully we can roll that out soon.
