Bioheat Your Home

Chuck Zimmerman

BioHeatIf you’re using oil to heat with you might as well do it the enviro-friendly way with Bioheat. It’s also United States and farmer friendly.

Bioheat fuel is made from a combination of biodiesel and generic heating oil, making it a superior product for the environment, as well as for the overall operational enhancement of the heating system. Biodiesel, made from vegetable oils or animal fats, must meet the ASTM specification of D 6751 and can be used in pre-existing diesel engines and heating systems. To make Bioheat home heating oil, fuel dealers blend it with ASTM D 396 heating oil.

The National Biodiesel Board secured the term “Bioheat®” for use in identifying home heating oil blended with biodiesel, and sublicensed it to the National Oilheat Research Alliance so it can also help broaden the use of the fuel and its identity. Both will share use of the trademarked term and logo. A sublicense agreement for dealers is available on the NORA Web site on the “News” page.

Oilheat distributors blend Bioheat fuel, mostly in the New England and Mid-Atlantic states, as blends from B2 (two percent biodiesel and 98 percent diesel) to B20. Inclusion of five percent biodiesel in oilheat, or B5, will be the overall objective of both NBB and NORA as the market progresses.
