2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Brew News Blogging

Chuck Zimmerman

Brew BlogThe Brew Blog is where you can find out news and information about the alcohol beverage industry. I think this is a fantastic idea. Listen up agrimarketers. Take a look at what Miller is doing here. They’ve hired or contracted with a reporter who is covering their industry. I know you purists out there will be shocked. How can this have any credibility you might ask? I say, look at what’s being posted by Jim Arndorfer. He’s certainly going to be an example I’ll be using in my workshop at the Ag Media Summit!

If I was in this business the Brew Blog would be one of my news feeds that I’d be checking on a regular basis. Do I care if it’s sponsored or owned by Miller Brewing? Not if it’s good timely, topical information that I can’t get in this convenient a format.

So why not have a farm equipment news blog that’s owned by John Deere, AGCO or New Holland? How about a seed news blog owned by Pioneer or Monsanto? Let’s have an ag chem news blog owned by Syngenta or BASF. Think about it. There’s a lot of reporters out here who might be able to make the transition to the internet. I say, “might,” with good reason. Even news blogging requires a talent and dedication that not every traditional media reporter may have.
