RFA Ethanol Podcast

Resistance Fighters Unite & Email Your Friends

Chuck Zimmerman

Syngenta Resistance FighterEvery once in a while you see a cool website and you want to let others know about it. Actually that’s the goal of the new Syngenta Resistance Fighter website. It’s a viral thing. Meaning they want visitors to let others know. Kind of like I’m doing now, actually. Way to go Syngenta. I do have a question though. Does this come out of the tv budget, the radio budget, the public relations budget or better yet, has Syngenta created a viral budget or as I saw the other day, a digital media budget?

I really like the theme of this site and think growers will too. It has all the mood elements of a secret basement hideout for a bunch of “resistance” fighters who are planning their operations. In fact, if you leave your browser on the home page you’ll begin hearing sounds of the “other” people in the room.

The site is complete with forums you can read and participate in. It was introduced at Farm Progress Show, which I missed, or I would have pointed you to it sooner.

On the home page you can click on different items in the room. I had to use a part of the page of “Resistance Fighter Radio” because it uses audio and it’s very well-produced and just works. To get there you click on the radio that’s on the desk.

Check it out and let me know what you think.

Agribusiness, Internet