Meet The New LPC President

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCastLori Maude, Gelbvieh World, is the new president of the Livestock Publications Council. I got to interview her at the recent Ag Media Summit. Lori tells us about herself, LPC and what she sees as priorities for the coming year.

You can listen to this week’s ZimmCast here: Download MP3 File

The ZimmCast is AgWired’s weekly podcast which you can subscribe to using the link in our sidebar.

Ag Media Summit, Audio, LPC, Podcasts, ZimmCast

New CEO For COLT Technologies

Chuck Zimmerman

COLT TechnologiesI’m sure you’re tired of IFAJ news and information by now so it’s on to other things. For example, COLT Technologies(TM), a Salt Lake City-based developer of wireless agricultural technologies, has appointed D. Bret Smith as its new chief executive officer. Smith replaces Tali Haleua who has assumed the role of executive vice president of sales and business development and will remain with COLT as chairman of the board.

It never ceases to amaze me that people don’t think agriculture is a high tech business. It is and what these folks are doing is just one example. With all the food safety concerns companies like this one are rapidly developing new products to provide the service the consumer is demanding.

“Everyone in the beef and dairy industries recognizes that it’s inevitable that the USDA will hand down more stringent tracking, tracing, monitoring and certifying requirements for beef and dairy products, and COLT’s revolutionary TekVet System is ready to meet that challenge today,” Smith said. “I look forward to introducing these industries to a new paradigm and consider it my responsibility and obligation to lead the beef and dairy industries into the 21st century.”

In case you’re wondering what this TekVet system does, read on:

The TekVet System is a wireless radio frequency (RF) solution designed to track, trace and monitor the health and core temperatures of beef cattle, one of the key indicators of feeder animal health. The TekVet System immediately identifies unhealthy animals by monitoring core body temperature via the TekVet SmartSensor(TM), a small wireless device attached to a feeder animal’s ear that monitors temperature through a thermistor inserted into the animal’s ear canal. When the body temperature drops below (or climbs above) specific temperature thresholds, producers/feedlot workers/researchers are notified immediately via a wireless alert (through cell phone, pager or COLT Technologies’ console management software) about the change in the animal’s core body temperature.


IFAJ Photo Album

Chuck Zimmerman

IFAJ 2006 CongressI just found out that there’s already a website for the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists 2006 Congress in Norway. Of course their theme is “Feed Your Senses.” Wanna bet what that’s going to be like?

I know I just wrote that I was done with IFAJ 2005 posts but I have to do this one. If you want to see the whole event just click on the sidebar (right side) archive category for IFAJ. There will now be 53 posts on AgWired going back to my first one in February! I used about 62 pictures during the course of the event and have many more. I was going to put them in an online album for you but just found out that IFAJ already has one: IFAJ 2005 Photos.

Enjoy and see you in Norway!

Pioneer Hi-BredAgWired reports on IFAJ Congress 2005 are sponsored by Pioneer Hi-Bred.


An IFAJ Goodbye

Chuck Zimmerman

IFAJ-62We’re at the end of my posts on the IFAJ Congress 2005. I will actually have a few more items when I get time to work on them but this gives you a final look at a great event. It was a lot of work. Blogging a meeting can be that way! But it was fun and I enjoyed every minute of it.

These final pictures are to show that we didn’t just eat and drink and walk around and attend meetings and presentations. We had time for the even more fun things in life like dancing on the boat or . . .

IFAJ-56singing with part of the Quasimojo band (Mike Wilson and Owen Roberts)! Here you have IFAJ president David Markey singing along!!!

I want to say a special thank you to AAEA for the stipend that was offered to me to help with expenses to attend my first (not last) IFAJ Congress. I also have to thank Jerry Harrington, Pioneer Hi-Bred for his sponsorship. It wouldn’t have been possible without them.

Pioneer Hi-BredAgWired reports on IFAJ Congress 2005 are sponsored by Pioneer Hi-Bred.


IFAJ Gold Medallions Awarded

Chuck Zimmerman

IFAJ-61On the IFAJ Dinner Cruise awards were given including IFAJ medallions. These were presented to numerous people who put in a lot of hard work on this event. Some of them are pictured here below the balcony which was lined with people. I don’t have all the names and why’s and wherefore’s though.

IFAJ-60Here’s what the medallion looks like.

By the time the awards were given there had been quite a bit of toasting and celebrating going on. I think Adrian Krebs and Hans Mueller and David Markey were starting to relax and unwind a little bit!!

Pioneer Hi-BredAgWired reports on IFAJ Congress 2005 are sponsored by Pioneer Hi-Bred.


Final Event Of The IFAJ

Chuck Zimmerman

IFAJ-57The last event of the IFAJ Congress was a Lake Thun dinner cruise. The “Berner Oberland” is a beautiful boat and we had a wonderful evening. As we got on the boat we were greeted with gifts (Swiss watches) and some kind of a fruity concoction that I didn’t get a name for. It was kind of like a strawberry/fruit juice with a sparkling wine in it.

IFAJ-58Our onboard entertainment was a New Orleans Jazz Band. Talk about surrealistic when all the news we’d been seeing was on the tragedy in New Orleans! They were good though.

The boat had 3 levels counting the top, open area where we were able to get spectacular views of the mountains and the sunset.

Pioneer Hi-BredAgWired reports on IFAJ Congress 2005 are sponsored by Pioneer Hi-Bred.


Want To Become A NAMA Advocate?

Chuck Zimmerman

Cultivating ConnectionsThis was just sent out from the National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA) office. Are you a member? If so, how about helping recruit some more?

Once you sign up as a NAMA Advocate and receive your AdvoKit from the NAMA office, you’ll be expected to seek out potential members and lay the groundwork for recruiting members. After making contact, you’ll coordinate the follow-up through the NAMA office. Or you can follow-up to “Close the deal.”

Becoming an Advocate will bring you the satisfaction of helping the organization, and you’ll be recognized in the NAMA News section of Agri Marketing magazine, the National NAMA e-News and the Grassroots newsletter. You’ll also be recognized at the Agribusiness Forum and the Agri-Marketing Conference & Trade Show with a ribbon on your name badge. In addition, you will be invited to the “First Timer/Leader” reception at the conference.

Sign up now at to receive your AdvoKit and start advocating today!


Learn More About Cooking Safely

Chuck Zimmerman

MBIC Report podcastAs I just mentioned in my last post about CornTalk, you podcast subscribers to the MBIC Report should have received it earlier this week. But now it’s also posted for those of you who just like to click and listen.

The MBIC Report is a weekly interview program from the Missouri Beef Industry Council. This week interview Alane Lidolph, director of consumer information about the what she does to get the word out about September being Food Safety Month. Of course if you’ve been following along you will already know that one way is to send out a talking news release!

You can listen to this week’s MBIC Report here: Download MP3 File

The MBIC Report is a weekly AgWired podcast which you can subscribe to using the link in our sidebar.

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Podcasts

More E85 In Missouri

Chuck Zimmerman

CornTalk podcastWe’ve had this week’s CornTalk from the Missouri Corn Growers Association available to you podcast subscribers all week. I’m just now getting it posted though so pardon the delay.

CornTalk is a weekly interview program from the Missouri Corn Growers Association. In this week’s program Cindy interviews National Ethanol Vehicle Coalition executive director, Phil Lampert about the growth in the number of gas stations that are now offering E85 in Missouri.

You can listen to this week’s CornTalk here: Download MP3 File

CornTalk is a weekly AgWired podcast which you can subscribe to using the link in our sidebar.

Ag Groups, Audio, Corn, Ethanol, Podcasts

Cook Safely In September

Chuck Zimmerman

MBICSeptember is food safety month and the Missouri Beef Industry Council is making sure people know about it. They’re producing a series of talking news releases on the subject. This first in the series features MBIC director of consumer information, Alane Lidolph, who provides guidelines to make sure you cook safe.

You can download the release here: MBIC Food Safety Release (Word doc)

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef