Canada’s Farm Challenge

Chuck Zimmerman

Harry SiemensA Professor from Saskatchewan, Canada shook the farming world a little when he said ship up or shape up, or the family will go the way of the dodo bird.

Professor Hartley Furtan has defined the problem of the grains and oilseeds sector and thrown out a challenge to the public what they want to do about it. The problem is not over production, nor inefficiency, nor even gross farm income. The issue is low grain prices and high input costs leaving a small or even negative profit margin, says C.M. (Red) Williams, President, Saskatchewan Agrivision Corporation in his Monday Memo.
“Furtan suggests that one solution is to do nothing. With predictions for a number of years of low grain prices the result will be a decrease in production and a growing social problem for those farmers that were depending upon the sale of land for their retirement,” says Williams. “On the other hand, if some method of providing an assured income is developed, then the Canadian taxpayer needs to understand and support the approach.”

Out of all the industries that struggle from time to time, the reason why the grains and oilseeds industry should be singled out for special attention is quite direct. There is about $85B of GDP that depends directly on a supply of grains and oilseeds. The industries stretch from cattle feeding to flour milling. These industries have already suffered from the variability in grains supplies but would shrink or move to the U.S. where supply and price are predictable.

Now, there is the issue of how to support the grains and oilseeds industry without unnecessarily inflating production, or bringing down the wrath of the WTO. CAIS allows for support of income up to 70% of some base, but it is the remaining 30% that needs attention. The cost is about $3 billion, says Williams.

Siemens Says


Online International Podcasting Expo

Chuck Zimmerman

International Podcasting ExpoI just received a release about the International Podcasting Expo. It’s set up as an online event April 21-23. Very interesting. Brought to you by the folks who started Family Friendly Podcasting.

Podcasting is exploding. Apple shipped more than 14 million iPods in its 2005 4th Quarter, according to Robert McMillan, IDG News Service. Forecasters predict up to 60 million people will be downloading podcasts by the year 2010.

What does this mean for podcasters? It means that their targeted listening market is increasing every day. People with iPods, as well as MP3 players, PDAs and Cell Phones with digital audio players, are looking for quality content in their areas of interest.

Although the Podcasting Community includes such large organizations as IBM, Oracle, Purina, Philadelphia Eagles, Purdue, Notre Dame, CBS, Nintendo, and the NYPD, a majority of the world still has not heard the word “podcast”, nor does it understand podcasting’s usefulness for education and business, as well as entertainment.

The International Podcasting Expo, April 21 – 23, 2006, hopes to change that. This online Podcasting Expo will be a 48 hour, around-the-clock event, taking place within an online Virtual Expo Center. Therefore, anyone in the world with an Internet connection can attend.


On The Road Again

Chuck Zimmerman

Highway DrivingThis is what I saw a lot of today. I just couldn’t resist since it looked like it would be a cool sunset. It didn’t quite turn out that way. After pulling over and taking a set shot the best one turned out to be the first one through the windshield.


Bilaterals vs. Multilaterals

Chuck Zimmerman

Harry SiemensA day doesn’t pass by where someone isn’t reporting on trade agreements and trade negotiations. A farmer commentator sent me this piece on what he thinks trade should be. Rolf Penner raises hogs, grain and special crops at Morris, MB.

“While any kind of a trade deal is a good deal, some are better than others. Everyone seems to be getting on the Bi-lateral bandwagon lately thinking that we can do better with them,” said Penner. “Those people are wrong. The Canadian marketplace is only 30 million people, peanuts in Global terms. Moreover, we are the number three exporting country in the world with almost half of our GDP coming from exports: That means we are highly competitive on those products. The U.S. has 300 million people and heavily import dependant, there is a reason people want to get into that marketplace.”

Admitting trade is a two way street, one has to get something, but also offer something in return. The Canadian marketplace does not have that much to offer. “That is one reason why multi-lateral agreements like the WTO ones are far more promising because we can team up with other countries to work on market access into those big global markets,” he said. “Bi-laterals are good, but they are no substitute for multi-lateral agreements.”

There’s one other case in point. When relying so heavily on a single bilateral trade agreement, for instance like lumber, and the giant doesn’t adhere to it, we have a giant problem: Economic withdrawal.
In my opinion, let’s shoot for the big one, the WTO and see if we can’t be a small fish in a big pond.

Siemens Says


Meet Marcus Spotts, iPod Owner

Chuck Zimmerman

Marcus and His iPodThe kind folks I met with this afternoon to talk about podcasting and how to apply it to their business and customers let me stay online for a few minutes after we got done. So I’m proud to introduce you to Marcus Spotts, Nora Springs, IA who won the New Holland “Down on the Farm” Classic iPod Keepsake Contest. I know we could have come up with a longer name for it if we had tried.

I only got to meet with Marcus, who is a corn and soybean grower, for a short time but I showed him how his brand new Apple Video iPod works and am really glad I had the opportunity. Marcus is already an iTunes user. He just needed an iPod to go along with it. It’s people like Marcus and his family who have made America great and this week we’re especially happy that a farmer won the contest. We had entries from advertising agencies, media companies, agribusinesses, member organizations and farmers like Marcus. It shows the truly comprehensive audience we’re building here at AgWired.

Thank you New Holland and everyone who entered.

Agribusiness, Commodity Classic

Hickory Park BBQ – Ames, IA – Eat There

Chuck Zimmerman

Stuck CarBoy am I glad I waited until today to drive up to Des Moines. I haven’t seen so many cars off the highway waiting on tow trucks in a long time. Road conditions must have been pretty rough last night. There’s really not that much snow on the ground but it’s still pretty windy. Back at home we got nothing out of the forecast 6 inches of snow. This is not a complaint.

Hickory Park RestaurantI’m actually in Ames waiting on our Classic Video iPod winner to show up. He suggested we meet at the Hickory Park Restaurant and as I’m finishing my sandwich I’m really glad he did. This is quite an operation here. I recommend it if you’re ever in Ames.

After a meeting in Des Moines this afternoon to discuss podcasting it’s off to Omaha so I’ll probably get in late and who knows how much energy I’ll have left to post at that point.



NAWG Keeps On Blogging

Chuck Zimmerman

NAWG LogoI’ve written about the NAWG Blog before and it’s time to write about it again. This time we have a new President who’s giving it a stab. He’s Dale Schuler from Carter, Montana. We met him at Commodity Classic.

The most recent NAWG Newsletter says “The NAWG Blog needs your help.” I think they want feedback and specifically comments on what’s written. They want this to be a two-way communication vehicle, which is exactly what it can be. However, the help needs to come from within first. The only post Dale has made was on Februray 21. Blogging requires more frequent and regular posting by an author with something to say. Post often enough and if you’ve got something people want to know about you’ll get your comments. Realize that most people will never post a comment. It doesn’t mean they aren’t reading though.

I can’t emphasize enough that you can’t write a post and realistically expect you’ll get lots of visitors who will write you lots of comments. Write lots of posts and over time you’ll generate traffic and interaction.

NAWG was the first national level farm group that I know of that sipped the blog koolaid as a friend of mine likes to say. Now we need to see the committment to post regularly so members get accustomed to seeing fresh information. The posts don’t have to be long carefully crafted essays. They need to come from the heart about the issues imprtant to organizational members. I know the messages are there and having met Dale I’ll bet he can write them. I would think in terms of “short, simple, regular.” That’s how the NAWG Blog can help itself!

Ag Groups

Classic iPod Keepsake Winner Announced

Chuck Zimmerman

New Holland Welcome to National Agriculture Day on AgWired. This is the day for the announcement of the winner of the New Holland “Down on the Farm” Classic iPod Keepsake Contest. Thanks to all the people who entered online or at the New Holland booth at Commodity Classic. The random drawing has taken place and . . .

The winner is Marcus Spotts, a corn/soybean farmer from Nora Springs, IA. Congratulations to Marcus.

I caught Marcus on his mobile phone at lunch time to give him the news. You can listen to a portion of my conversation with him here: Listen To MP3 Telling Marcus He Won (3 min MP3)

I want to thank New Holland and Michael Peterson for working with us on this project. It has been fun and we are looking forward to doing it again soon.

Please keep our video iPod keepsake idea in mind. It makes a great and truly unique giveaway item! Can we create one for you?

Agribusiness, Commodity Classic

Our Student Blogger Has a Job

Chuck Zimmerman

Margy FischerThis post isn’t being written by Margy Fischer. It’s being written about her. You will remember Margy from her coverage of Commodity Classic on AgWired that was sponsored by Monsanto. Margy will be graduating soon and just announced that she’s got a job.

After graduation in May, I’ve got a job! I’ve recently accepted the position of assistant editor with Farm Journal magazine. Along with my assistant editor responsibilities I’ll also be the Assistant Test Plot Director.

Thank you all for being part of my professional development. I wish you all the best and hope we’ll be seeing each other soon.

Congratulations Margy. I hope we get to hear from you again soon.
