Green Tractors At This Dairy Farm

Chuck Zimmerman

John Deere In NorwayI thought this would make Barry Nelson happy at John Deere.

The Norwegian dairy farmer I interviewed today made a point of making sure I knew he exclusively uses John Deere tractors. He seemed pretty proud of that.

Hey Barry, I think Ole Skallerud is making a pitch for at least a new John Deere cap or something!

AgWired coverage of IFAJ 2006 is sponsored by: Pioneer-HiBred

Agribusiness, Equipment, IFAJ, Tractor

Dairy Barn Fashion

Chuck Zimmerman

Cow InterviewIt’s been a long trip and sometimes you start to get a little goofy. I tried to interview old Betsy here but she wasn’t interested.

As you might expect, we had to suit up to go into the dairy barn.

I wasn’t the only one thinking I looked pretty fashionable in my blue suit.

Barn FashionThis is public relations professional, Esther Rozeboom, PlusProject, Netherlands.

She was actually in the group after me to go into the barn. My group was going to take a turn going out into the field for a demonstration but it started to pour down rain so we stayed inside.

AgWired coverage of IFAJ 2006 is sponsored by: Pioneer-HiBred

Dairy, IFAJ

Norwegian Cow Record System

Chuck Zimmerman

Torstein SteineOne of the companies helping sponsor the IFAJ Congress here in Norway is GENO Breeding and A.I. Association.

On our dairy tour today, Torstein Steine, Director of Breeding and Research, gave us an overview of the Norwegian Cow Record System. GENO is very involved in this project which has an immense amount of data online now.

Torstein says that over a third of all the dairy producers in Norway directly input their data via the internet, including the farm we were on today.

I interviewed him after his presentation so you can learn more here: Listen To MP3 Torstein Steine Interview (4 min MP3)

AgWired coverage of IFAJ 2006 is sponsored by: Pioneer-HiBred

Audio, Dairy, IFAJ

Robotic Dairy Expert

Chuck Zimmerman

Gunnar PetterssonBefore we got to go into the dairy barn on today’s IFAJ Congress tour we learned about automatic or robotic milking from the expert.

He’s Gunnar Pettersson, Swedish University of Agricultural Science. He used a power point presentation but I recorded him anyway and am providing an edited version of that talk.

In his talk he mentions how much dairy producers like these automatic systems like the DeLaval one in use on the farm today. The main reason is how it changes the lifestyle of the farmer. It gives him/her more time for things other than managing the animals.

Pettersson says he been on many, many farms studying the best management practices and he’s found and helped quantify what a robotic system can mean to the producer.

You can listen to Pettersson here: Listen To MP3 Gunnar Pettersson Presentation (14 min MP3)

AgWired coverage of IFAJ 2006 is sponsored by: Pioneer-HiBred

Audio, Dairy, IFAJ

Robotic Milking At Smestad Farm

Chuck Zimmerman

SkallerudsToday I got to visit a dairy operation which is pretty big business in Norway. We toured the Smestad farm. Pictured here are our hosts, Ole Kristian and Randi Skallerud.

The interesting part of the dairy is that they’re using an automatic milking system. So before we event went into the barn we learned more about robotic milking.

I interviewed Ole after we got into the barn. He milks 47 cows at this facility and says that the long cold winter is one of the challenges he faces. He also says that his farm has internet access and that Randi and his kids use it while he’s slowly learning how himself. They actually have wireless access which I found with my computer before leaving on the bus.

You can listen to my interview with Ole here: Listen To MP3 Ole Skallerud (6 min MP3)

I also have a little video clip of a cow in the robot getting milked: Watch WMV File Robotic Milking Action (1 min WMV)

AgWired coverage of IFAJ 2006 is sponsored by: Pioneer-HiBred

Audio, Dairy, IFAJ, Video

Monsanto Buying D&PL

Chuck Zimmerman

D&PLI have to interrupt my coverage of the IFAJ Congress since this is a big story that just came to my inbox via news release. It looks like Monsanto is getting bigger into the seed business!

Monsanto Company and Delta and Pine Land Company announced today that they have signed a definitive agreement whereby Monsanto will acquire Delta and Pine Land Company for $1.5 billion in cash. The transaction was unanimously approved by the Boards of Directors of both companies and is subject to Delta and Pine Land shareowner approval, antitrust clearance, and customary closing conditions.

“Delta and Pine Land represents an excellent fit for our company as we look to bring value-added traits and high-quality seed to cotton growers around the world,” said Hugh Grant, chairman, president and chief executive officer of Monsanto. “Delta and Pine Land has strong cotton genetics, and we believe Monsanto’s leadership in providing the best cotton traits can improve on this already strong base.” Read More


International Seed Spitting Contest

Chuck Zimmerman

Seed Spitting ContestI left the dinner last night a lot earlier than most. Just as I was leaving to be a good boy and go home to my hotel room a seed spitting contest was getting started.

A representative of each country participating here was selected to compete. Our U. S. representative was Greg Lamp, Corn and Soybean Digest. I have no details on this contest other than that we didn’t win.

Please feel free to use the comment feature to fill in the details I’m missing.

AgWired coverage of IFAJ 2006 is sponsored by: Pioneer-HiBred


A Reindeer Roast

Chuck Zimmerman

Reindeer RoastHere at the IFAJ Congress in Norway we have not gone hungry.

Our dinner last night was a reindeer roast. Actually we had a lot of meat that included lamb and I’m not even sure what all else.

We ate in a historic building that used to be a saw blade factory.

AgWired coverage of IFAJ 2006 is sponsored by: Pioneer-HiBred


Period Costumes

Chuck Zimmerman

Fighting VikingsBefore our dinner last night we got to see what I think vikings like to do. And that is fight.

On the grounds adjacent to the Cathedral museum we saw a number of people in costume. These guys were fighting and wearing themselves out.

It was wearing me out just watching them.

AgWired coverage of IFAJ 2006 is sponsored by: Pioneer-HiBred