2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Ag Attends 2+ Farm Shows, Conferences A Year

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “How many farm shows/conferences do you attend?” We have a very wide spectrum in our results this week. It looks like most people attend around 2 to 5 farm shows or conferences each year. As you can guess, those on the AgWired Team would fit into the 5 plus category. I think a future …


Caucus Results Don’t Seem to Reflect Ag Views

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Do Iowa Caucus results reflect ag views?” The early caucuses may influence some voters, however not the majority of those that took our latest poll. 63% said the Iowa Caucus results don’t reflect their ag views. Ag issues are continually at the forefront of our minds, but few leading candidates have taken to addressing …


Do Iowa Caucus Results Reflect Ag Views?

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What’s your planting intentions prediction for 2016?” Are you still debating what will inhabit your fields this growing season. If so, it’s crunch time. It looks like many will be planting more soybeans this year or keeping it similar to 2015. Here are the poll results: More corn, less soybeans – 7% Less corn, …


Planting Predictions for 2016?

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What do you think of new dietary guidelines?” Referring to the new Dietary Guidelines for Americans, many of those who took our recent poll feel nothing has really changed from past dietary guidelines and even more simply don’t care. Here are the poll results: Fair – 0% Nothing new – 37% Good news – …


Top Ag Issue of 2016?

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What was your top ag story for 2015?” We have a variety of responses to this week’s poll. COOL repeal jumped to the top, but many of the others were trailing closely. And many of these hot button ag issues will follow us into 2016. Here are the poll results: TPP – 11% COOL …


What’s the Ag Top Story of 2015?

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What’s your favorite food/drink gift?” I am still stuffed from all the holiday food I consumed and still unpacking a plethora of gifts. Food and drinks are always great gifts to give and receive. It looks like fruit and wine topped this poll. Here are the poll results: Fruit – 33% Candy – 0% …


Pollers Feel Climate Accord Adds To Regulations

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What do you think climate accord will mean for ag?” It looks like the majority feel that climate accord will add to the already over-abundant regulations or is simply bad for everyone. Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack said the COP21 deal will support a “better-nourished, stable, secure future” and the benchmarks “build on the ambitious …


Climate Accord – What’s it Mean for Ag?

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Do we need any more gun control laws?” The latest Islamic terrorist tragedy which occurred here in the United States is being used by many politicians to call for more gun control. But do we need it? Well over half of our pollers believe more gun control isn’t the answer. Some commented stronger background …


Let’s Talk Gun Control

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What’s your opinion of EPA rule for biofuels volumes?” Last week the EPA released a final rule for biofuels volumes under the Renewable Fuels Standard for 2014-2016, which increased the obligations for refiners to use ethanol, biodiesel and advanced or cellulosic biofuels. It looks like voter opinion is all over the place. Many still …
