2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

The Impact of Expiring Biotech Patents

Melissa Sandfort

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, ”With harvest over what are your winter plans?” Our poll results: Thirty-one percent said feed and care for animals; twenty-five percent said paperwork!; twenty-five percent also said catch up on sleep; nineteen percent said repair existing equipment; no one responded research/buy new equipment. Our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question, “What …


What keeps you busy during winter?

Melissa Sandfort

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, ” What gadget is on your Christmas wish list?” Our poll results: Twenty-four percent said other; twenty percent said tablet; ten percent said wide screen TV; seven percent said desktop computer; three percent said smartphone; and three percent said notebook computer. Some of the things falling in the Other category include: Powerball Jackpot, camcorder, …


What’s on your wish list?

Melissa Sandfort

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, ” What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food?” Our poll results: Thirty-three percent said turkey; twenty-five percent said other; twenty-one percent said pumpkin pie; fifteen percent said sweet potatoes/yams; and six percent said Cranberry sauce/relish. Our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question, “What gadget is on your Christmas wish list?” Are you hoping …


What food are you thankful for?

Melissa Sandfort

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “How do the election results make you feel?” Our poll results: Thirty-two percent said disgusted; twenty-six percent said happy; fifteen percent said afraid; nine percent said sad; seven percent said mad; five percent said depressed/suicidal and four percent said apathetic. So, it looks like there were a wide range of emotions as the votes …


Almost Split Vote on GMO Food Labeling

Chuck Zimmerman

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Should foods containing GMO crops be labeled?” The Prop 37 ballot initiative in California prompted us to ask the question. Well, the initiative failed while our poll showed that most answered yes to our question by a very narrow margin. Interesting. Your thoughts? Feel free to chime in with a comment. Our poll results: …


Do We Need GMO-Labeled Food?

Melissa Sandfort

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “How important will rural vote be in election?” Our poll results: Sixty-five percent say very important and thirty-five percent said not important. It appears as though the majority of folks believe farmers and ranchers need to cast their vote. So remember, Election Day is Tuesday, November 6, 2012. Less than a week away! Our …


How Important is the Rural Vote?

Melissa Sandfort

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Have our efforts to educate consumers about agriculture been successful?” Our poll results: No one said Yes, real improvement; fifty-two percent said Yes, but long way to go; thirty-five percent said No, minimal impact; three percent said No, no impact; and ten percent said Waste of time. It looks like many believe there’s room …


Are we REALLY educating consumers about ag?

Melissa Sandfort

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What is most important for feeding growing world population? ” Our poll results: Fifteen percent said Precision ag technology; thirteen percent said Biotech hybrids; nine percent said Crop protection products; seven percent said Information technology; twenty-two percent said Natural resource conservation; six percent said Less government regulation; twenty-three percent said All of the above; …

Food, ZimmPoll

How do we feed a growing world?

Melissa Sandfort

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, ” What cooperatives play a role in your life/business?” Our poll results: Ten percent said Electric/water/utilities; ten percent said Farm Credit/credit union; five percent said Farm supplies; twenty percent said Energy/biofuels; three percent said Farm commodity; three percent said Other; thirty-five percent said Two or more of the above; and fifteen percent said None. …


School Lunch Program Gets an ‘F’

Melissa Sandfort

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What grade would you give the new student lunch program? Tell us why with a comment.” Our poll results: seventeen percent said A; six percent said B; nine percent said C; nineteen percent said D; and forty-nine percent said F. Looks like there are a lot of frustrated parents (and kids) on this issue. …
