2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Industry Ag News 3/29

Cindy Zimmerman

Producers surveyed across the United States intend to plant 90.0 million acres of corn in 2024, down 5% from last year, according to the Prospective Plantings report released today by USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). Planted acreage intentions for corn are down or unchanged in 38 of the 48 estimating states. Soybean growers intend to plant 86.5 million acres …

Agribusiness, ZimmNews

Industry Ag News 3/24

Cindy Zimmerman

The International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ) has named 10 outstanding agricultural journalists to participate in the 2023 IFAJ/Corteva Agriscience Master Class. The 13th annual Master Class will be held in conjunction with IFAJ’s World Congress in Calgary, Alberta from 24 to 26 June 2023. Master Class participants will then participate in the 2023 IFAJ World Congress to be held …


Industry Ag News 3/17

Cindy Zimmerman

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has confirmed that he will appear in person as the luncheon keynote during the March 20 Agri-Pulse Ag & Food Policy Summit. Registration for the day long event at the National Press Club remains open with virtual options available. The American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) has released its policy recommendations for the 2023 Farm Bill. The …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, ZimmNews

Industry Ag News 10/7

Cindy Zimmerman

Yield10 Bioscience, Inc. has announced that Willie Loh, Ph.D., was named to the Company’s Board of Directors effective October 4, 2022. Dr. Loh previously served as a Special Commercial and Technical Advisor to the company and was formerly Vice President, Market Development of Cargill Inc.’s Global Edible Oils Solutions group in North America. Bushel, an independently-owned software technology company focused …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, ZimmNews

Industry Ag News 6/24

Cindy Zimmerman

Michael Torrey Associates (MTA) welcomes Ashley Willits to the policy team for the Washington, D.C.-based firm with a growing number of clients in the food, agriculture, and forestry sector. Ashley serves as the Policy Manager for Michael Torrey Associates, where she provides policy communications and advocacy support for the firm’s clients. Prior to joining MTA, Ashley served as an Associate …


Industry Ag News 3/25

Cindy Zimmerman

The American Farm Bureau Federation, in partnership with Farm Credit, is seeking entrepreneurs to apply online for the 2023 Farm Bureau Ag Innovation Challenge. Now in its ninth year, this national business competition showcases U.S. startup companies developing innovative solutions to challenges faced by America’s farmers, ranchers and rural communities. The joint membership of the Midwest-SouthEastern Equipment Dealers Association (MSEDA), …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, ZimmNews

ZimmCast 583 – Ag Comm, RFS, Beef and Sheep

Chuck Zimmerman

In this week’s program Chuck is sharing some podcasts that you might find interesting.  Maybe even worth subscribing to? I start off with The Ethanol Report, which has been sponsored by the Renewable Fuels Association since 2008. This week, Cindy talks with RFA CEO Bob Dinneen about the latest RFS news which has a big impact on rural America and …

Ethanol, Podcasts, ZimmNews

Zimfo Bytes 9/1

Kelly Marshall

The Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute at the University of Nebraska welcomes Howard W. Buffett to the board of directors. To date, 33 corn mazes in 19 states have joined together with Culver’s Thank You Farmers initiative and have planted more than 7 million seeds of gratitude for the hard work of America’s farmers. These mazes are …


AgWired Editors Visit Vietnam Agriculture

Kelly Marshall

Missouri Agricultural Leadership of Tomorrow (ALOT) has nearly completed their two year program.  As a wrap-up of their study of agriculture the group recently visited Vietnam to gain a global understanding of the industry.  The 20 member participants include two of AgWired’s editors, Jamie Johansen and Kelly Marshall. The trip lasted two weeks and included three major cities in Vietnam.  In …

International, ZimmNews

December ZimmNews

Chuck Zimmerman

The latest edition of ZimmNews has been delivered to in-boxes everywhere. A lot of you are already on holiday I can tell judging by the “out of office” replies! In case you didn’t get it or just want to look at it online then you can find it here: December ZimmNews Some highlights include: New Media Tip Welcome Amanda Nolz …
