Andy Markwart Talks About IFAJ 2009

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast40 - Andy MarkwartIf you’ve read AgWired for long you know about the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ). I got to attend this year’s congress in Switzerland and am on the planning committee for the 2009 IFAJ Congress, which will be here in the United States! We’ve already had our first planning meeting. I know 4 years seems like a long time but not when you’re planning an international event.

Ag Media Summit, Audio, Podcasts, Publication, ZimmCast

Kathy Cornett Talks About Dairy Directory Project

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast39 - Kathy CornettThis week I interviewed Kathy Cornett, CEO of McCormick Company, about a unique project her agency recently completed. They have published the first ever Southwest Plains Dairy Directory. This printed directory is also available in an online, searchable database. I thought it was interesting that a full service advertising agency created a publication but it’s not the first time McCormick Company has done something like this. Remember AgriTalk?

Agencies, Audio, Podcasts, ZimmCast

What’s Going On At ZimmComm

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast38 - Chuck & CindyYou can learn more about what’s going on at ZimmComm on this week’s ZimmCast. Cindy and I do a little review of what’s happening and hope it’ll generate some ideas for you. For example we talk about our blog projects and some of the grower harvest interview work we’ve been doing for our clients.

Audio, Podcasts, ZimmCast

ZimmCast On CoolCast Radio

Chuck Zimmerman

Tune in to CoolCast RadioPodcasting continues to become “mainstream.” Announcing CoolCast Radio. Agwired’s ZimmCast is a charter program offering of the new internet-delivered audio programming network. I’d love to know what you think about it. The company has not made its big media splash about this yet although the service is up and running.

Podcasts, ZimmCast

He’s The Wisconsin Cow Czar

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast37 - Steve KozarIn this week’s ZimmCast I’ve got something a little different. You’re probably familiar with the Cow Parade, you know that public art exhibition that got started in Chicago some years ago. Maybe you collect the minatures that are now sold as fine collectibles everywhere. If you have wanted to know more about how a public art display that is all about a farm animal works then listen to my interview with cow parade, cow artist, Steve Kozar. Steve was painting his cow in his booth at World Dairy Expo, so we could even see him work! Steve said people were having fun with his last name but he really got a kick out of it when I dubbed him the “Wisconsin Cow Czar.”

Audio, Farm Shows, Podcasts, World Dairy Expo, ZimmCast

Learn About Qualisoy From The Board

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast36 - Kent GronlieThis week I’m off to World Dairy Expo and will be blogging it here and even more frequently on World Dairy Diary. So the ZimmCast this week features an interview with one of World Dairy Diary and that’s Qualisoy. I interviewed Kent Gronlie, a North Dakota soybean grower. He’s on the Qualisoy board and is also Domestic Marketing Committe chairman for the United Soybean Board. Kent talks about what Qualisoy is all about and how why they decided to get involved in World Dairy Expo this year.

Ag Groups, Audio, Podcasts, Soybean, USB, ZimmCast

EPIC Growth & Plans

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast35 - Tom SluneckaIn just a few short months the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council (EPIC) has really put together some fantastic projects to promote ethanol as an excellent renewable energy fuel source. The organization has grown in membership and boasts significant backing for its future. Plans are being made now for 2006 and we look forward to what they have in mind. To find out more I interviewed EPIC Executive Director, Tom Slunecka for this week’s ZimmCast. Tom talks about the organization, some of their research and ways they are continuing to promote ethanol to the public.

Ag Groups, Audio, Ethanol, Podcasts, ZimmCast

Meet The New AAEA President

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast 34 - CrummettIt’s the American Agricultural Editor’s Association new president right here on AgWired in our ZimmCast for this week. He’s Dan Crummett, Farm Progress Companies. I interviewed him right after he got sworn in at the recent Ag Media Summit. Dan talks about AAEA and why he thinks the organization has become stronger. He also discusses AAEA’s new strategic plan.

ACN, Ag Media Summit, Audio, Podcasts, ZimmCast