2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Drought Biggest Challenge for Stoller Australia

Joanna Schroeder

Fifteen years ago, StollerUSA opened up an office in Australia, and today Stoller Australia has demonstrated that they have many products that are beneficial for Australian growers. I caught up with Richard Emery, who runs this division during the Ag Associates Conference. He began by telling me that the country has a diverse range of crops including wheat and cotton, …

Agribusiness, Audio, Uncategorized, Wheat

Cruising to Commodity Classic

Cindy Zimmerman

Registration is officially open for the 2010 Commodity Classic in Anaheim, California and you better register soon because it will fill up fast. This will be the 15th annual Commodity Classic for soybean, corn, wheat and sorghum growers and their families, to be held March 4-6 right next to Disneyland. The theme for 2010 is “Cruising to Success.” Growers who …

Commodity Classic, Corn, sorghum, Soybean, Wheat

Learn How Wheat Works

Chuck Zimmerman

The Wheat Foods Council has launched an interactive website called How Wheat Works. It’s purpose is to deliver a farm-to-fork education on wheat while enabling a better understanding of its nutritional value. At www.howwheatworks.com, participants of all ages can virtually grow, harvest and mill their own kernels to create their desired wheat food. For each participant, the Council will donate …

Ag Groups, Education, Wheat

Wheat Leaders Traveling

Chuck Zimmerman

Steve Mercer, U.S. Wheat Associates, Inc., says, “We’re posting photos from the Wheat Leaders Team now traveling in Colombia, Peru, and Mexico on our Flickr site.” He’s right. Here’s one of them captioned: Wheat Leaders at Pastas Doria, Bogata, Colombia, with Supply Chain Manager Guillermo Botero. Great use of Flickr to “photo-blog” a trip. Find all the photos in their …

Ag Groups, Wheat

Ag Retailers Association Names Coppock CEO

Cindy Zimmerman

The Agricultural Retailers Association (ARA) has named Daren Coppock as the organization’s new President and CEO, replacing Jack Eberspacher who passed away in July after a brief battle with cancer. Coppock is an experienced association leader with deep ties to the agricultural community having been raised on a farm in Oregon and serving as an advocate for production agriculture for …

Ag Groups, Wheat

Plant Disease Experts Prepare for Ug99 Wheat Stem Rust

Cindy Zimmerman

Plant disease experts at the American Phytopathological Society annual meeting are preparing to potentially do battle with a new strain of wheat stem rust. Washington State University plant pathologist Tim Murray says wheat stem rust has been in the United States since the early 1900s but this new strain could pose new problems. “The Ug99 strain is a new strain …

Agribusiness, Research, Wheat

Campbell Joins U.S. Wheat

Melissa Sandfort

U.S. Wheat Associates welcomed Shawn Campbell as the new Assistant Director, West Coast Office, Portland, OR, July 6, 2009. USW’s West Coast Office staff maintains a liaison with the grain export trade and constituent state wheat commissions, hosts visiting foreign trade delegations, leads the USW crop quality improvement efforts, and serves the needs of USW offices around the world. While …


Monsanto Announces Beachell-Borlaug Scholars Program

Chuck Zimmerman

For Norman Borlaug’s 95th birthday today, Monsanto has created a $10 million grant to establish the Beachell-Borlaug International Scholars Program, which will “help identify and support young scientists interested in improving research and production in rice and wheat, two of the world’s most important staple crops, through plant breeding techniques.” Monsanto is funding the program, which will be administered by …

Agribusiness, Biotech, Wheat

A Classic Event

Cindy Zimmerman

Everyone at Commodity Classic this year seemed to be impressed that attendance was as good or better than ever, despite the economy. “As I understand it, we are either right at the record or over it, so that is phenomenal,” said National Corn Growers Association CEO Rick Tolman. Unofficial numbers I heard were about 4500 total registration with 1500 of …

Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic, Corn, Farming, NCGA, New Holland, sorghum, Soybean, Wheat