Bayer Markets New Wheat Herbicide

Kristyn Stidham

Bayer CropScience released the new Huskie Complete this year. Cereal Herbicides Product Manager for Bayer, Thorsten Schwindt, was very excited to talk about the product here in Decatur, IL at the Farm Progress Show. A few years back, Bayer released a product called Huskie. The product was successful, but Bayer decided to do some research to extend the product beyond …

Audio, Bayer, Farm Progress Show, weed management, Wheat

Case IH Sponsoring Great American Wheat Harvest Film

Chuck Zimmerman

Case IH has joined the supporting team for the Great American Wheat Harvest documentary film as a Silver Sponsor. “This validates the diversity of combine colors represented by the wheat harvesting machinery featured in the film with their sponsorship,” says film producer Conrad Weaver. Earlier this spring, the filmmaker joined the more than 200 harvesting crews at the CASE IH …

Agribusiness, Case IH, Wheat

Whaley Joins Wheat Growers

Cindy Zimmerman

It’s now official. Our good friend and ag industry veteran Hugh Whaley has joined the National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) and the National Wheat Foundation (NWF) as director of corporate relations. Though we have known Hugh for nearly 30 years now, this is the best fairly recent photo I could find. And Chuck just saw him a month ago! …

Ag Groups, NAWG, Wheat

Great American What Harvest Makes Progress

Chuck Zimmerman

The Great American Wheat Harvest documentary is making good progress. You’re invited to visit them on July 4th in Colby, KS. Here’s a report: Filming for the Great American Wheat Harvest documentary is in full swing…and you’re invited to follow our filmmaker and meet Teresa Scanlan, Miss America 2011 on July 4th in Colby, Kansas! As Conrad Weaver of ConjoStudios …

Agribusiness, Harvest, Wheat

Monsanto Calls GE Wheat Find “Suspicious”

Cindy Zimmerman

Monsanto officials held a press call on Friday regarding “suspicious” evidence in the investigation of genetically engineered wheat plants found in an Oregon field last month that suggests it was possibly intentionally planted. “The evidence now collected, the fact patterns established and the original Roundup Ready CP-4 event appearing suddenly after 12 years, out of nowhere in a single field …

Agribusiness, Audio, Biotech, Wheat

Soybean Executive Named NAWG CEO

Talia Goes

Longtime soybean industry executive Jim Palmer has been named chief executive officer of the National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG). Palmer was selected by the NAWG Board of Directors after a search process led by the NAWG officers and grower-leaders of the National Wheat Foundation, NAWG’s affiliated charitable organization. He will officially begin work with the Association and Foundation as …

Agribusiness, NAWG, Wheat

New Sponsor for Great American Wheat Harvest

Talia Goes

To help support the creation and educational purposes of the Great American Wheat Harvest documentary film, independent filmmaker, Conrad Weaver of ConjoStudios, LLC announces the Oklahoma Wheat Commission board has approved and appropriated funding to become one of the film’s executive sponsors. Weaver received the announcement while filming during a wheat field day near Sentinel and Elk City, Okla.; and …

Agribusiness, Harvest, Wheat

Telling the Story of The Great American Wheat Harvest

Chuck Zimmerman

Here’s a great looking group of custom harvesters. This is from the U.S. Custom Harvesters booth at Commodity Classic. I met another one of these road warriors that will be featured in the upcoming film documentary, “The Great American Wheat Harvest.” He is Dan Misener, second from the right. Dan’s business is Misener Family Harvesters which has been in business …

Ag Groups, Farming, Harvest, Wheat

Harvesting The High Plains Documentary

Chuck Zimmerman

Last year’s Midwest drought evoked images of the dust bowl of the “dirty 30’s”. But how many of you really know much about it or what it took to survive those trying times? Here’s one way you can get a glimpse into those times. It’s a film documentary called, “Harvesting The High Plains.” An advance copy is now available for …

Agribusiness, Audio, Farming, Harvest, Video, Wheat

Protecting Wheat in 2013

Jamie Johansen

BASF brought out all the stops when it came to educating attendees at this year’s Commodity Classic. Whether growers had questions about herbicides, fungicides or simply wanted to hear the latest research, experts were on hand to give answers. I chatted with Dr. Brianne Reeves, Technical Marketing Specialist with the BASF’s Plant Health Fungicide group. Wheat was the main topic …

Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic, Wheat