Building Brand Loyal Customers

Chuck Zimmerman

Here’s a continuation of the video interviews produced by Paulsen AgriBranding at the NAMA Trends in Agriculture conference. How do businesses make rural lifestylers loyal customers? Craig Elbert, the Marketing Strategy Manger for Hallmark Cards had some ideas for the NAMA Trends in Agriculture: Rural Lifestyle Marketing conference. He talked about when markets change from traditional ag customers to rural …

NAMA, Video

NAMA Professional Development Award Winners

Chuck Zimmerman

At the NAMA Trends in Agriculture conference several professional agrimarketers were honored and once again this year, Paulsen AgriBranding captured comments from the honorees. NAMA honored three members for professional development during its Wednesday luncheon. Honored in marketing communications was Paul Redhage, FMC Communications Manager; in Public Relations, Beth Anderson, Charleston Orwig; and in sales, Vernon Benes of Beck Ag. …

NAMA, Video

New Media Impact on Rural Lifestyle People

Chuck Zimmerman

You can learn more about the rural lifestyle survey that Susan Spaulding conducted courtesy of Paulsen AgriBranding. Day two of NAMA’s Trends in Agriculture: Rural Lifestyle Marketing kicked off with a discussion of the impact of new media on rural lifestylers. Susan Spalding of Market Directions and Courtney Yuskis of the Country Living Association looked at the products and services …

NAMA, Video

Rural Lifestyle Marketing From Paulsen

Chuck Zimmerman

Paulsen AgriBranding spoke with the second speaker here at the Trends in Agriculture conference. He was very interesting and will be the interview in this week’s ZimmCast. So where are rural lifestylers these days? Dan Duffy, CEO of United Country Real Estate, told the NAMA Trends in Agriculture: Rural Lifestyle Marketing conference how agrimarketers can reach this target and how …

NAMA, Video

NAMA Trends From Paulsen AgriBranding

Chuck Zimmerman

Speaking of Paulsen AgriBranding, here’s the first of their Trends in Agriculture video clips with our first speaker. The NAMA Trends in Agriculture, Rural Lifestyle Marketing conference began with Frank Schuurmans of Decision Strategy International asking if your current strategy is “future proof.” He focused on future scenarios and asked attendees to test how their current strategy would fare.

NAMA, Video

A Smile At The End Of A Monday

Chuck Zimmerman

Thanks to one of my Facebook friends I got a link to this video/song which I think is hilarious. It’s Monday. Time to lighten up and relax. I’m lobbying for them to perform at an NAFB Convention. What do you think? Actually, they’ve got another video that might be more appropriate. See you in KC, MO. Post Update: Chelsea says …


Colleen Callahan Commercial

Chuck Zimmerman

The election is getting closer and none too soon for those of us who are very, very tired of all the commercials. However, I thought I’d give another plug for Colleen Callhan, farm broadcaster, who says she’s the underdog in her race for Congress in Illinois. She’s still looking for last minute donations to keep this commercial on the air.


FFA Multimedia Maniacs

Chuck Zimmerman

I know it seems like Cindy or I are at just about every ag event out there but we just can’t make them all. One of the ones I’d love to cover though is the FFA Convention. However, these kids are doing a great job online by themselves. I know there are some of you “old-timers” who are still scratching …

FFA, Video

Trees For Troops Video

Chuck Zimmerman

Yes it is time to think “Holidays.” And the big one coming up is Christmas. So it’s appropriate that I’ve got a Trees For Troops video to share and news about an award they’ve won. The Christmas SPIRIT Foundation, professionally managed by Drake & Company, has been nationally recognized for its Trees for Troops program by the 2008 Associations Advance …

Ag Groups, Video