RFA Ethanol Podcast

National Ag Day Contest Winners

Chuck Zimmerman

At the National Ag Day banquet in Washington, DC, the winner of the written essay contest read her essay to us. She’s Whitney Bowman, Mount Jackson, VA. Here’s where you can find her essay titled “American Agriculture: Nourishing Opportunities.” Other winners include Lebo Molefe, Naperville, IL – Video Essay Contest – see below and April Fox, Wayne State University – …

Ag Day, Ag Groups, Audio, Video

James Wesley Thanks a Farmer

Chuck Zimmerman

From an #AgDay @Reply to me this afternoon comes a link to a new single by James Wesley, Thank a Farmer. Thought it would be good to share before I head to this afternoon’s National Ag Day banquet at USDA. You can find Jame’s song on YouTube and purchase it in iTunes. I’ve got it. So, go get it. 2013 …

Ag Day, Ag Groups, Video

Farm Shorts Wants To Help Tell Farm Stories

Chuck Zimmerman

A growing number of agvocates are learning how to use today’s social media platforms and that includes YouTube. How many of you farmers have given this a try? Here’s a story about a new initiative to showcase sustainable farms and farmers. Of course most farmers are sustainable. Otherwise they wouldn’t be able to stay in business. What do you think …

Farming, Social Media, Social Networking, Video

Harvesting The High Plains Documentary

Chuck Zimmerman

Last year’s Midwest drought evoked images of the dust bowl of the “dirty 30’s”. But how many of you really know much about it or what it took to survive those trying times? Here’s one way you can get a glimpse into those times. It’s a film documentary called, “Harvesting The High Plains.” An advance copy is now available for …

Agribusiness, Audio, Farming, Harvest, Video, Wheat

My Field’s Been Droned Dude

Chuck Zimmerman

Ever since we’ve been hearing about the whole drone issue in Washington, DC I keep hearing this phrase in my head. But of course farm fields are being droned, by farmers themselves, and for good reasons. Here’s a great story on the subject. Helicopters are just plain cool, especially if you can operate them by remote control. The Aerial Precision …

Agribusiness, Audio, Equipment, Precision Agriculture, Video

Veterinarians on Call Videos

Chuck Zimmerman

Zoetis has created a series of YouTube videos with veterinarians to show the public how farmers of all sizes take care of their animals. In new YouTube videos released today, swine veterinarians Dr. Matthew Turner of North Carolina and Dr. Tara Donovan of Wisconsin join veterinarians and farmers from across the country in speaking out for responsible livestock farming by …

Agribusiness, Animal Agriculture, Animal Health, Veterinary, Video

Intellislope Helps Growers Install Field Drainage Tile

Melissa Sandfort

We recently caught up with Russ Mormon, Ag Leader sales representative, at the National Farm Machinery Show who told us a little more about Ag Leader’s Intellislope tile plow control through the Integra display. Installing field drainage tile improves soil tilth for better root development, lengthening planting windows and providing better nutrient access for crops by removing excess moisture from …

Ag Leader, Video

The Stock Exchange Debuts Weekly Beef News Show

Jamie Johansen

The Stock Exchange, powered by DV Auction, works hard to bring you news about the beef industry each month and recently launched a new weekly beef news show, Cattle Commentary. Each week we hope to share industry news, as well as, address issues facing cattlemen and women across the country. After getting the first one under our belts, we are …

Beef, Education, Video

Prancing, Dancing Lily Moves Into App Market

Jamie Johansen

Award-winning book, Prancing, Dancing Lily, can now be found world-wide as a multi-platform app. The heartwarming story about an Ayrshire cow determined to hoof and groove around the globe, was written by Marsha Diane Arnold and illustrated by John Manders. App developers and author have teamed up with interactive media publisher, Fat Red Couch. “The Fat Red Couch team provided …

Dairy, Education, Video

Vilsack Visits Ethanol and Biodiesel Meetings

Cindy Zimmerman

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack hit two meetings in one city last week, appearing at both the National Ethanol Conference and the National Biodiesel Conference within a few hours of each other, since they were both being held in Las Vegas a mile apart. Vilsack told both groups that the renewable fuels industry is worth fighting for. “Your country’s future depends …

Audio, Biodiesel, Ethanol, USDA, Video