Dow AgroSciences has a new website. The creative element is a series of road signs that guide you through the information and pages. There’s even video. I guess this is just another sign that the agribusiness companies are investing in the online content tools that require broadband access to function properly. They must believe their customers have it or soon will.
Video Podcasts From Monsanto
Someone on Monsanto is getting on the Cluetrain. I reported about Monsanto’s “Conversations . . . ” a while ago. Now they’re podcasting them.
MooBella Fresh Ice Cream Vending Machines
My favorite dessert is ice cream. I want to see these next to every soda machine in the country! MooBella machines. Freshly made ice cream when and where I want it. Even mixed with the toppings I want like cookies’n’cream and walnuts.
Willie & Annie Nelson Support Farmers
It took most of the day to get a personal interview with Willie but I got ‘er done. Ask NBB Board member Greg Anderson how difficult it was. Let’s just say they weren’t letting the media do one-on-one’s but where there’s a will there’s an agriblogger.
Emily Richards For Biodiesel
This post is just to follow up my last one since it’s now the day after the Emily Richards Concert here at the National Biodiesel Conference.
Blogging With Emily Richards
It’s “meet the stars” week here in San Diego. I wasn’t real familiar with Emily Richards until today. But I’m a fan. Tonight we get to see a live show. Emily is a singer/songwriter that vocally supports biodiesel. If you want to see what she looks like on a motorcycle you’ll have to visit the Biodiesel Conference Blog.
EPA Administrator Promotes Biodiesel
I don’t think I’ve ever posted as much multi-media content as I have from this National Biodiesel Conference. I know it’s making my posting light here on AgWired but that will change after I’m back Friday. I thought you might enjoy some of it here though.
The Luke Perry Press Conference
I know posting has been a little light here today but you can visit the Biodiesel Conference Blog if you want to see what I’ve been up to. For example, my buddy Luke Perry here did a press conference just a little while ago to publicly support this renewable fuel effort. Daryl Hannah jumped into the press conference a little late but you can hear her too.
General Session Setup
It’s Super Bowl Half Time. Mick Jagger is in better shape than I am at the moment. How old is that guy?
Watch a Committee In Action
If you’ve never attended or participated in one of the committee meetings going on here then you might want to check this out. It’s just real people trying to work through some very complex issues.