YouTubing It

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s about time we got some agricultural video into YouTube don’t you think? I’m just getting started on this but thought you might enjoy my first upload. I actually posted this earlier this year at the CMA Music Festival but thought it might have some broad appeal in the YouTube universe. I guess we’ll find out. One thing I already learned is to save my raw video files and use them to upload since I’ve been converting them to pretty small Windows Movie Video files. They still work though. I think you can expect to see more video from us in the coming year!


Late Day Views

Chuck Zimmerman

You’ll find the sky over the show filled with advertising at times. We’ve got balloons like this one for Ag Leader Technology. They look a lot better in the sunshine. In addition to balloons we’ve got little lightweight sail planes (?) too. I couldn’t quite make out who this is for. If you know, post a comment. I got a …

Farm Progress Show, Video

Robotic Milking At Smestad Farm

Chuck Zimmerman

SkallerudsToday I got to visit a dairy operation which is pretty big business in Norway. We toured the Smestad farm. Pictured here are our hosts, Ole Kristian and Randi Skallerud.

The interesting part of the dairy is that he’s using an automatic milking system. So before we event went into the barn we learned more about robotic milking.

Audio, Dairy, IFAJ, Video