RFA Ethanol Podcast

I’m Not Green With Envy

Chuck Zimmerman

I wanted to use the photo but you’ll have to visit CNN.com to see it. A flourescent green pig. Somehow the thought of green ribs or a nice glowing green loin roast just doesn’t appeal to me. What am I talking about? A story on CNN about these Chinese scientists who are breeding transgenic pigs. From the story:

International, University

Yonder In The Pawpaw Patch

Chuck Zimmerman

KSU Picture - Pawpaw FruitHow many of you know about the Pawpaw? It’s a native American fruit. I can’t say I’ve had any experience with it. Apparently there are efforts to bring it “back.” I don’t know from where but after reading about it I’d sure like to try some.

Audio, Farming, University

Surveying Farm Direct Marketing & Agritourism

Chuck Zimmerman

North American Farmers' Direct Marketing AssociationThe North American Farmers’ Direct Marketing Association is attempting to get some major feedback from an industry wide survey. Association executive director Charlie Touchette says in his letter “The farm direct marketing and agritourism industry is perhaps the fastest growing sector related to agriculture today. Some of you have been on the cutting edge of this farm and ranch survival strategy for decades. Some are just entering this realm of diversification, and some new entry farmers and ranchers consider it to be the only feasible way to enter into agriculture at all.”

Agribusiness, University