Although we have many people subscribing to the AgWired rss feed ( what happens if you don’t want all our news? Wouldn’t it be cool if you could just subscribe to the content you’re most interested in? Well you can. Here’s how: Let’s say you work for an advertising agency and would just like to subscribe to news we give …
Blogs and Podcasts are Relevant
Most of you probably don’t remember when radio got started or probably even when we moved from black and white to color tv. But if you were around then, it was a big deal. It was “all the buzz.” Technological advances in entertainment and communications are always interesting and can have profound impacts on how we receive information. Can you …
AgChat Summary
After missing it the last couple weeks I got to participate in tonight’s AgChat session on animal ag via Twitter. Here’s the questions posed. Q1: Should we have a #farmfact and/or #foodfact day each week? Which day & which tag best for educating non-ag? Q2: Should NAIS be voluntary or mandatory? Why? Q3: Is it possible to be for MCOOL …
Reminder About 2009 CCA Institute
Here’s a reminder about the 2009 CCA Institute. It’s not too late to register according to Terri Breon. Tickets are still available to attend the Friday night “Fun Night” at the ball park. Join fellow CCA’ers as the Kansas City Royals take on the Cincinnati Reds at the newly renovated Kauffman Stadium! As a bonus, the night ends with fireworks …
Misty Mount Rainier
This will be my last photo post of the day from the great state of Washington. Although most of the mountains were clouded over this morning, they pretty well cleared up this afternoon. Here’s Mount Rainier on my way back to Seattle. According to Wikipedia it’s an active stratovolcano. With the cloud lingering at the top it looks like it’s …
Is This The End Of Traditional Radio In Home?
I’m not saying you should go out and buy one of these today but it sure is tempting. I found this story on Podcasting News and I’m going to let James tell the story because he does it very well. My main reason to post this is to keep you up to date on what’s happening with technology that will …
Podcast Audience Keeps Growing
I’m on the way back to ZimmComm World Headquarters after spending quality time with web guru Robert and a day with John Deere in Fresno. I’m ready for some of this warm, sunny weather to hit our area. I just thought I’d point you to an article on Podcasting News that brings together several sources of data on podcasting growth. …
AgChat Summary
I missed AgChat last night but like you, I can review the discussion via Twitter Search. The subject was animal welfare and what agriculture can do to team up with allied industries and groups to create better understanding in the public and combat misinformation campaigns by extremist animal rights groups. Questions included: Q1: How can #agriculture work with groups such …
Bakersfield Sunset
This was the scene when I got off the plane in Bakersfield, CA this evening. Pretty cool looking I think. I love sunrises and sunsets. There is an artist who is a lot better than any of us human ones. I missed out on #AgChat tonight on Twitter but hope to have a review of it tomorrow morning if my … Offers Blog Tips
One of the blogs that I visited daily, okay several times per day, is The Pioneer Woman. Blogger Ree Drummond was a college student going to school in Los Angeles, when she met and fell in love with an Oklahoma cattle rancher. She quickly ditched the black pumps, sushi and Starbucks for cowboy boots, horses and cattle manure when she …