I’m sure you’ve seen the emails that circulate with pictures of funny billboards or restaurant signs with misspelled words or missing punctuation that make for a good laugh. And to the poor person standing on a ladder with the extension rod replacing “today’s special” and they happen to abbreviate because it’s -10 degrees and snowing, I don’t blame them! Our …
Two Ag Senators Retiring
Two strong advocates for agriculture on both sides of the aisle in Congress are retiring after this term, leaving a void in the Senate that could make it even more challenging for farmers and ranchers to have their voices heard on the Hill in the future. Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) announced Saturday that he would not to seek reelection in …
From Celery to Corn
I live in the Midwest, which means I’m accustomed to seeing corn and soybean fields that stretch for miles. About 10 years ago I went on a tour to Canada and when we were in the test plots, I was “ooing and awing” over canola while other attendees were thrilled to see field corn. Once you get outside your own …
Book Review – Demystifying Food From Farm to Fork
This week I read, “Demystifying Food from Farm to Fork,” by Maurice J. Hladik. Many of you may be familiar with Hladik, an agricultural expert who has spoken at events all around the world including Commodity Classic. The goal of the book is to take a look at food production from “farm to fork”. As with many concepts, farm to …
NAAJ’s Excellence in Reporting on Agriculture Contest
Needing a little pat on the back for your newsroom’s work on issues related to agriculture and rural America? North American Agricultural Journalists are looking for your entires for the Excellence in Reporting on Agriculture. You can’t give the excuse of your story not finding a home. There are six categories for contestants to choose from: news, spot news, features, …
Her New Home
Our little filly named Surprise is now a permanent resident of Kansas, but still in the family. She made the 7-hour trek this past weekend to my in-law’s house and from the looks of things, has already bonded with her new family. If she didn’t like cattle and cattle dogs before, she better learn and learn quickly as she may …
Broken Bar F Brand
For the holiday we traveled the almost 6 ½ hours to western Kansas to my in-law’s farm. Between my father and brother-in-law, they’d just purchased 43 new momma cows so the farm was hopping with new life. Two calves were born in the five days we were there, so the kids were scrambling to come up with names: we ended …
Boycott Congress and the White House
I really resent Congress and President Obama for the absolute stupidity they have been exhibiting during this holiday season. Some of us would like to be relaxing with friends and family, enjoying holiday football and taking a last holiday break before having to get back to more regular work schedules again. We wish you all in Washington DC had decided …
Remembering Doyle Conner
The name and the face are probably more familiar to those in the Florida agriculture industry than elsewhere, but Doyle Conner should be remembered as a great “agvocate,” before there ever was such a term. The former Florida Commissioner of Agriculture passed away yesterday, just one day shy of his 84th birthday. Doyle, a lifelong Democrat who grew up raising …
Do I Know You?
It’s been a while since I went on an AgWalk and my apologies. Life happened. Christmas is almost here and I’ve been busy with decorating, an Elf named “Rope” (trust me, I didn’t come up with that one), frozen horse water and oh yeah, work! But I have to share this story with you. My husband recently had his company …