2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

1,207 Posts, 4 Blogs, 6 Months

Chuck Zimmerman

For the first time today I actually forgot about something that I had posted. I mean I was talking to someone today on the phone and saying that what we were talking about would be good material for AgWired and she pointed out that I had written about it 2 months ago! Wow. She was also someone I’ve never met and was talking to for the first time. In fact, I didn’t even get her name. I guess AgWired’s getting out there. But it made me wonder. How many of these posts have I posted? Maybe there’s a reason I’d better search my own blog before posting!


Stop And Smell The Onions

Chuck Zimmerman

Soybean HarvestIt is a beautiful day in mid-Missouri. Sometimes you just have to stop and smell the roses. Or in today’s case, the wild onion. I took time to do a midday run on the Katy Trail and this guy was getting his soybeans harvested. There was a lot of wild onion around the edges and when he cut through it you could smell it quite a ways. I love that smell too!


World Food Day On The 16th

Chuck Zimmerman

World Food DayWorld Food Day will be celebrated October 16. The big ceremonies will take place at FAO headquarters in Rome. I got to observe them a few years ago and it’s a very interesting event as they bring in people from so many countries. They have to have good interpreters so you can listen to all the speeches. It all seems to work though.


Nice Things Said To Us

Chuck Zimmerman

“I really enjoy reading your blog. Great job. I really enjoy the racing coverage. Keep up the good work. By the way, are you ever home long enough to get clean clothes? Man, you’re on the road more than rock stars.’ “It has been 10 years since I attended a national NAMA convention. I just finished your Convention Blog Summary, …


South Asia Farmers Need Help Too

Chuck Zimmerman

FAOWhile we’re still seeking ways to help hurricane Katrina victims here in the United States there’s also tremendous need for the victims of the Pakistan earthquake. I don’t know if you’ve seen much coverage of this tragedy but it’s immense.


Over 10,000 Visitors To AgWired & Counting

Chuck Zimmerman

Sleepy Hollow, ILOver 10,000 visitors have made their way to AgWired! It’s a milestone. Hey, some may say it’s a miracle. We say, thank you and stop by again. We’ve now had more visitors than the population of Sleepy Hollow, IL, a suburb of Chicago. Pretty cool, huh? Why did we pick Sleepy Hollow. Absolutely no good reason except they were the first city of that size (10,104, 2004 U.S. Census) I found Googling around.
