Blogging Delivered By AT&T

Chuck Zimmerman

AT&T SignI’ve seen this billboard in a couple of cities lately and had a chance to take a picture of it today in Chicago. I guess I think it’s interesting that AT&T is advertising that they deliver blogging. I think I also saw somewhere that they may be delivering it but they aren’t “doing it.”


Travel Time Once Again

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s back on the road this week. I’m off to Chi-town and Milwaukee for some great meetings and discussions. Lots of talk about this new media thing we’re doing you know. This means a little bit of light posting until probably tomorrow.


Suite Blogs

Chuck Zimmerman

I hadn’t really thought of what we’re doing here at ZimmComm this way but a recent comment from one of our reader/visitors got me to thinking. He said, “You guys have got one heck of a good suite of sites going yourself.” A suite of sites (blogs). A suite of ag blogs. Is that what we have?


Agriblogger Savior

Chuck Zimmerman

Panera BreadIf you plan to stay in Clive, IA you may want to consider an alternative to the Country Inn & Suites if you need high speed internet access. For the second time in the last month their internet access has gone out. But thank you Panera Bread (University Ave). Free Wi-Fi. Although I did order an I. C. Mocha Cappuccino and a french bread roll.


Take A Moment For Some Ag News

Chuck Zimmerman

If you surf around long enough you’ll always find something interesting. For example, the WordPress software I use has a nifty little feature that shows you websites that are linking to you yours. I haven’t looked at this in a long time. Lo and behold there’s new ones.
