#CUTC16– Sustainability Should be Expected

Kelly Marshall

Rob Meyers recently attended a panel discussion on sustainability at the Corn Utilization and Technology Conference on behalf of his company, PepsiCo.  His message: sustainability should be expected. Across the supply chain, he says, we’ve reached the point that once happened with food safety.  Everyone came together, everyone worked to make food safer.  Once again collaboration will be an important …

Agribusiness, CUTC, Sustainability

The Buzz About Sustainability at #CUTC16

Kelly Marshall

Fred Yoder is an Ohio corn farmer who believes sustainability is more than a buzz word. At the Corn Utilization and Technology Conference Yoder told AgWired about his involvement with Climate Smart Agriculture, a term coined to describe just what it is growers will have to do to feed 9 billion people while working with what we’ve got. Working with …

Agribusiness, Conservation, CUTC, Sustainability

Endure 4R Advocate Award Program from @GROWMARK

Cindy Zimmerman

GROWMARK has instituted a new award program to recognize the efforts of crop specialists who excel in engaging farmers by using sustainable, best-management practices. The GROWMARK Endure 4R Advocate award was just given to five crop specialists in the FS System for working with farmers to increase their use of the 4R approach; applying fertilizers at the right source, right …

Audio, FS System, GROWMARK, Sustainability

Introducing the Farm To Table Alliance

Lizzy Schultz

The National Farm to Table Alliance, started through the annual Farm to Table Experience, is a collection of organizations interested in sustainable, local, farm fresh seasonal products. The Alliance supports the exchange between Practitioners, Policy Makers and Consumers, while promoting food safety. The Alliance’s goal will be to support the development of best practices in bringing fresh products to the …

Ag Groups, Food, Sustainability

Food and Ag Company Leaders Commit to Sustainability

Cindy Zimmerman

Leaders of food and agriculture companies joined the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) today to release a new call to action on improving sustainable production. “Food for Thought: A Call to Action on the Future of Sustainable Agriculture” notes that food producers are making important strides on improving sustainable production, but should continue to step up their commitments. Leaders of DuPont, …

Agribusiness, Sustainability

Growing Global Solutions to Grow Better Agriculture

Cindy Zimmerman

A new non-profit organization, Growing Global Solutions, has been formed to help agricultural organizations improve their efficiency. Industry veterans Janice Dahl and Jim Butler have founded the organization together with the goal of working with top-tier organizations that want to evaluate progress and reach peak efficiency. With expertise specifically in agriculture, the pair decided the industry would benefit from an …

Farming, Sustainability

GROWMARK Announces Essay Contest Winners

Kelly Marshall

GROWMARK is pleased to announce the Illinois and Wisconsin state winners of the 2016 essay contest for FFA members.  Austin Schorfheide of Hoyleton, Illinois and Jessica Jurcek from Jefferson, Wisconsin won in their respective states by answering “What can young people do to ensure the sustainability of agriculture?” Schorfheide wrote in his response: “Sustainability in agriculture ultimately comes down to …

FFA, GROWMARK, Sustainability

Illinois HerbFest Celebrates Earth Day

Lizzy Schultz

The Illinois Herb Association will celebrate this month’s Earth Day festivities during the 2016 HerbFest. The event will be held April 16 in Chillicothe, Illinois, at Chillicothe Public Library. “The annual HerbFest was previously held in June and September, but this year will be moving to April in order to celebrate Earth Day and build nature into the program,” said …

Ag Groups, Conservation, Environment, Planting, specialty crops, Sustainability

New Insights On Colony Collapse Disorder

Lizzy Schultz

Researchers from Arizona State University’s (ASU) School of Life Sciences recently discovered that the commonly accepted claim that blames nutritional deprivation for the increasing collapse of honey bee colonies is incorrect. The two studies published by ASU researchers found that the stress of short-term nutritional deprivation as larvae actually makes honey bees more resilient to starvation as adults. The findings …

Ag Groups, Bees, Conservation, Environment, pollinators, Research, Sustainability