2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

DBA Launches Dairy Strong Sustainability Alliance

Lizzy Schultz

A diverse group of partners came together this afternoon at Endres Berryridge Farm in Waunakee, Wisconsin for the official launch of the Dairy Strong Sustainability Alliance (DSSA), a collaborative sustainability campaign featuring representatives from every facet of the dairy community, including farmers, processors, retailers, government agencies, universities, and dairy and trade non-profits. The alliance seeks to engage individuals from across …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Audio, Dairy, Sustainability

#IFAJ2016 Bayer Tour – Part 4 – Bayer Bee Care

Chuck Zimmerman

In this part 4 of my series from Bayer CropScience tour stops during the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists Congress in Germany this presentation at the Bee Care Center is done by Dr. Christian Maus, Global Pollinator Safety Manager. Dr. Maus expands upon some of the topics brought up in episode 3 by Coralie van Breukelen-Groeneveld, Head of the Bayer …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Bees, IFAJ, Sustainability, Video

The #13ICPA Keynote is Dr. Margaret Zeigler

Chuck Zimmerman

The 13th International Conference on Precision Agriculture (ICPA) conducted by the International Society of Precision Agriculture (ISPA) is underway in St. Louis, MO. This year it is overlapping the InfoAg Conference which I believe is the 14th one. ICPA starts first with a plenary session that features an update on ISPA, a look ahead to other precision ag conferences and …

Audio, Info Ag, Precision Agriculture, Sustainability

Grad Student Talks Community Approach to Sustainability

Lizzy Schultz

Water sustainability was the topic at the most recent Food Dialogues event from the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA), and while much of the discussion focused on the concerns facing our environment and the quality of the nation’s natural water resources, panelist Vanessa Perry had a different conservation to bring to the table. Perry, a PhD student in the …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Audio, Conservation, Environment, Sustainability, USFRA, Water

Working Together On Water Conservation

Lizzy Schultz

Water conservation was the focus of the latest installment of the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance’s (USFRA) series of Food Dialogues, held this week in Minneapolis, and for panelist Rebecca Flood, Assistant Commissioner for Water Policy at the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), protecting our water supply is at the heart of her entire career. Flood oversees MPCA’s programs and …

Ag Groups, Audio, Conservation, Environment, Sustainability

Keeping Farmers in the Sustainability Dialogue

Lizzy Schultz

At the latest Food Dialogue from the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) and the Farm and Food Alliance of Minnesota, a panel of experts kept the focus entirely on water sustainability, an issue that has continually placed significant blame on production agriculture. The lone producer on the panel was Nathan Collins, who raises Angus cattle and grows corn, soybeans, …

Ag Groups, Audio, Conservation, Environment, Farming, Sustainability, USFRA

The Corporate Commitment to Sustainability

Lizzy Schultz

The latest installment of the Food Dialogues, held this week in Minneapolis as part of a joint effort from the U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) and the Farm and Food Alliance of Minnesota, kept the focus on water sustainability. The diverse panel of professionals highlighted the many ways that water conservation is present in their professions and the companies …

Ag Groups, Audio, Conservation, Environment, Sustainability

Even on Food Issues, Politics Divide Americans

Joanna Schroeder

As the elections fast approach, not only are there political divides across parties, but also in food issues. The 2016 Food and Health Survey: Consumer Attitudes Toward Food Safety, Nutrition & Health looks at how consumers differ in their views on food issues and find that conservatives and liberals think differently about sustainability, trust in government for food-related information and …

Food, Research, Sustainability

Bayer Spotlights Sustainability at #IFAJ2016

Cindy Zimmerman

While the rest of the world is talking about Bayer’s bid to buy Monsanto, many representatives of the company are busy in Germany helping international journalists learn more about them and their sustainability efforts. Dr. Helmut Schramm, Managing Director for Bayer CropScience Deutschland, was on a panel talking about sustainability at the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ) Congress in …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, IFAJ, Sustainability, Video

Nature’s Broom at #Biobased16

Lizzy Schultz

Nature’s Broom was one of the participants in the 2016 United Soybean Board (USB) Biobased Stakeholders Dialogue, held last week at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) headquarters in Washington, D.C. The company manufactures a recycled biobased oil absorbent that is able to bioremediate into non-toxic compounds. Boyd Eifling, President of Nature’s Broom, was on hand during the event to …

Audio, Environment, Soybean, Sustainability, USB