Soybean Board Sponsors Jeff City, MO Tractor Pull

John Davis

This weekend, Friday, Aug. 27 & Saturday, Aug. 28, the folks in Jefferson City, Missouri will enjoy the power of the National Tractor Pullers Association (NTPA), courtesy of the United Soybean Board (USB). Todd Gibson, the director of the USB and a soybean farmer from Western Missouri’s Carroll County, says this will be his first professional tractor pull he’s attended, …

Biodiesel, Soybean, USB

Meet Pioneer Hi-Bred Senior Leadership

Chuck Zimmerman

During the 2010 Pioneer Hi-Bred Crop Technology Field day held in Carrollton, MO, farmers could choose between nine different field work stations or presentations. Topics ranged from refuge strategies to soil types. Also on the agenda was “Meet Pioneer Senior Leadership.” That’s what this post is about. The “seniors” included (left) Alexandro Munoz, VP/Regional Director, North America and John Soper, …

Audio, Corn, Pioneer, Soybean, Video

Pioneer Hi-Bred Crop Technology Field Day

Chuck Zimmerman

Pioneer Hi-Bred held a crop technology field day in Carrollton, MO yesterday. It was a picture perfect day so I took a lot of them. They were expecting up to a thousand attendees and I think that was a very possible number. I’ve got several things to post for you including some presentations and interviews. Let’s start with a link …

Corn, Pioneer, Soybean

Soybean Producers Get to See for Themselves

Cindy Zimmerman

Ten soybean farmers from around the country will have the opportunity this month to see for themselves what their soybean checkoff investment is funding. The United Soybean Board’s third annual “See for Yourself” program begins on July 26 in St. Louis and ends on July 31 in Mexico, the number one importer of U.S. soybean meal. Along the way, participants …

Soybean, USB

USDA Planted Acres Report Lowers Corn

Cindy Zimmerman

USDA’s new planted acreage report out this morning says corn acres are two percent higher than last year, but that is down a point from the March report with more acres are going to soybeans. Corn planted area for all purposes in 2010 is estimated at 87.9 million acres, up 2 percent from last year. Acreage is up in Illinois, …

Audio, Corn, Soybean, USDA

New Soybean Federation Officers and Affiliates

Cindy Zimmerman

The year-old U.S. Soybean Federation (USSF) has two new state affiliates and new officers to announce. According to a news release, the Minnesota Soybean Federation (MSF) and the Oklahoma Soybean Federation (OSF) have joined USSF as state affiliates. They join the Nebraska Soybean Federation, Missouri Soybean Association, Oklahoma Soybean Federation and the Minnesota Soybean Federation as part of the group …


Saving Rainforests Would Help U.S. Agriculture

Cindy Zimmerman

“Saving rainforests isn’t just for treehuggers anymore.” That’s the message past National Corn Growers Association president Fred Yoder of Ohio has about a new report showing that ending deforestation could boost revenue for U.S. producers by between $196-$267 billion by 2030. Yoder participated in a conference call today releasing the report, entitled “Farms Here, Forests There: Tropical Deforestation and U.S. …

Audio, Beef, Corn, Environment, Soybean

Wet Weather Slows Planting Progress

Cindy Zimmerman

Cool, wet weather slowed down corn and soybean planting last week, but didn’t stop it. USDA reports that 38 percent of the soybean crop is now planted and 87 percent of the corn – which is way ahead of last year in both cases and a comfortable amount above normal. Both crops are emerging ahead of normal – corn at …

Corn, Soybean, USDA

Groundbreaking for Pioneer Soybean Plant in Missouri

Cindy Zimmerman

Missouri Governor Jay Nixon joined DuPont business Pioneer Hi-Bred executives for yesterday’s groundbreaking on a $55 million parent and commercial soybean seed production plant in New Madrid County, Mo. “Missouri’s economic recovery continues to strengthen; and to maintain that momentum, it is vitally important that high-tech, 21st-century companies such as Pioneer Hi-Bred invest in Missouri and create new jobs for …

Pioneer, Soybean

MO Commodity Groups Step Up To Plate

Chuck Zimmerman

Actually St. Louis Cardinals left-fielder, Matt Holliday, is “Stepping Up To The Plate.” A coalition of Missouri agriculture organizations has launched a summer education campaign with the St. Louis Cardinals. Themed “Stepping Up to the Plate,” the goal of this initiative is to increase consumer understanding of how today’s farmers are using the latest technology to provide safe, affordable, nutritious …

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Corn, Dairy, Pork, Poultry, Soybean