RFA Ethanol Podcast

Soil Health Partnership Grows Program

Cindy Zimmerman

The Soil Health Partnership (SHP) is expanding its program thanks to a large investment made by the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) and matched by other donors. The FFAR, a nonprofit established in the 2014 Farm Bill, awarded a $9.4 million grant to SHP, the Soil Health Institute, and The Nature Conservancy. The grant is being matched by …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Conservation, Corn, NCGA, Soil, Soil Health Partnership

Soil Health Partnership Simulates Rain at FPS17

Carrie Muehling

The weather was perfect at the 2017 Farm Progress Show but it was raining in the Soil Health Partnership exhibit. The highlight of the exhibit was a rainfall simulator, demonstrating the effects of rainfall on different types of management practices. The eye catching display provided an opportunity for the Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership to promote different aspects of soil management …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Conservation, Farm Progress Show, Soil Health Partnership

Happy World #SoilDay!

Cindy Zimmerman

In 2002, the International Union of Soil Sciences made a resolution proposing the 5th of December as World Soil Day to celebrate the importance of soil as a critical component of the natural system and as a vital contributor to human well being. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has made it an annual campaign which aims to connect …

Conservation, NCGA, Soil, Soil Health Partnership, Video

SHP Participates in Climate Research in Ag Event

Kelly Marshall

Several key organizations have gathered in St. Louis, Missouri this week to delve into soil health as a key element in carbon sequestration efforts.  “C-Quest: Charting a Course for Climate Research in Agriculture,” featured the Soil Health Partnership (SHP), a farmer-led initiative of the National Corn Growers Association. Together with Monsanto Company, Washington University in St. Louis, Foundation for Food and …

NCGA, Soil Health Partnership

Midwest Row Crop Collaborative Launched

Joanna Schroeder

During the Farm Progress Show this morning a new initiative was announced to add more support to on-farm conservation programs and practices: The Midwest Row Crop Collaborative. One of the Collaborative’s first actions is to raise $4 million dollars over five years to support Soil Health Partnership (SHP). The initiative was created to support, enhance and accelerate the use of …

Agribusiness, Audio, Farm Progress Show, Soil, Soil Health Partnership

Virtual Soil Field Day This Week

Cindy Zimmerman

As farmers head to the fields this spring, the Soil Health Partnership is offering a virtual field day to learn more about the soil that makes up their livelihood. This summer begins the third year of field days which focus on sustainable practices that improve the environment and the bottom line. Before those events kick-off, however, United Suppliers is helping …

Soil, Soil Health Partnership

Soil Health Partnership Participation Explodes

Lizzy Schultz

Twenty-five more farms have joined in on the groundbreaking research effort from Soil Health Partnership (SHP) that could change the way farmers take care of their land. SHP works to test and measure farm management practices that improve soil health, such as growing cover crops, practicing conservation tillage like no-till or strip-till, and using sophisticated nutrient management techniques. The program’s …

Ag Groups, Audio, Commodity Classic, Conservation, Environment, Soil, Soil Health Partnership

Indiana Dept of Ag Director Stops By #SHPSummit16

Taylor Truckey

The Director of the Indiana State Dept of Agriculture, Ted McKinney, stopped by the Soil Health Summit last week in Indianapolis to show support for the direction of the program. “[The Soil Health Partnership] is outstanding, primarily because it brings together a lot of different groups to be aligned and focused on a single purpose. One of the best things …

Agribusiness, Soil, Soil Health Partnership, Sustainability

Farm Foundation, SHP Share Common Goals

Taylor Truckey

Farm Foundation is one of the supporting partners of the Soil Health Partnership (SHP). While at the Soil Health Summit late last week, Tim Brennan, Farm Foundation, shared why the being a part of the Partnership just makes sense for their organization. The Farm Foundation started the Soil Renaissance (with the Noble Foundation) a little over two years ago to …

cover crops, Farm Foundation, Soil Health Partnership, Sustainability

Iowa Farmer Joins SHP As Demo Farmer

Taylor Truckey

Last year at Commodity Classic, John Maxwell was introduced to the idea of soil health. From there, he became excited about it and signed up to become a demo farmer with the Soil Health Partnership (SHP) to learn how cover crops could impact the soil on his farm. Years ago, Maxwell originally got into cover crops years ago to feed …

cover crops, Soil, Soil Health Partnership, Sustainability