2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

US Challenges Chinese Quotas for Rice, Wheat, and Corn

Cindy Zimmerman

The Obama Administration has launched a new trade enforcement action against the People’s Republic of China over tariff-rate quotas (TRQs) for rice, wheat, and corn. The complaint was filed with the World Trade Organization (WTO) by the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR). “China’s TRQ policies breach their WTO commitments and limit opportunities for U.S. farmers to export …

Corn, Rice, Trade, Wheat

Meet Rice Farming TV

Chuck Zimmerman

How much do you know about rice farming? Do you know the difference between brown and white rice? Want to? Then follow Rice Farming TV and Matthew Sligar. Matthew farms in northern California with his Dad and in the spare time he doesn’t have he produces Rice Farming TV, a weekly Vlog. You know what that is right? A blog …

Audio, Farming, Rice, ZimmCast

New Cuba Ag Exports Act Opens Trade Options

John Davis

A new piece of legislation will open up trade possibilities for U.S. agricultural exports to Cuba. H.R. 3687, the Cuba Agricultural Exports Act, was introduced by House Agriculture Committee Chairman, Mike Conaway, along with Representatives Rick Crawford (R-AR) and Ted Poe (R-TX). It repeals financing restrictions, allowing U.S. banks to offer credit in Cuba in connection with exports of U.S. …

Ag Groups, Rice

Lots of Reaction to TPP

Cindy Zimmerman

Seems like everyone has something to say about the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement reached by negotiators meeting in Atlanta for more than five days, even though few details have been released. U.S. Trade Ambassador Michael Froman does say that agriculture is a big winner under the agreement. “Tariffs will either be eliminated or greatly reduced or quotas will be significantly …

AFBF, ASA, Audio, Beef, Corn, NCGA, Rice, Trade

USA Rice Federation at 2015 Mid-South Farm & Gin Show

Taylor Truckey

The USA Rice Federation is the commodity association that represents all industry aspects (growers, millers, merchants) of the rice industry; they have members in all 6 major rice producing states. While at the 2015 Mid-South Farm & Gin Show, Randy Jemison, Director of Louisiana Field Operations for USA Rice Federation, spoke with Chuck Zimmerman about their role in supporting rice …

Audio, Rice, Trade

Ag Coalition for Cuba Launched

Cindy Zimmerman

More than 25 companies and organizations launched the U.S. Agriculture Coalition for Cuba (USACC) in Washington Thursday to liberalize trade and re-establish Cuba as a market for U.S. food and agriculture exports. Among the speakers who introduced the new coalition were a list of lawmakers from a variety of states, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, Missouri Governor Jay Nixon, and representatives …

Audio, Exports, Rice, Trade, USDA

Agriculture May Benefit From Cuba Relations

Cindy Zimmerman

The White House announcement Wednesday that the United States will begin the process of normalizing relations with Cuba brought positive responses from the agriculture industry. “Throughout history, agriculture has served as a bridge to foster cooperation, understanding and the exchange of ideas among people,” said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack in a statement. “I have no doubt that agriculture will continue …

AFBF, Ag Groups, ASA, Rice, Soybean, Trade, USDA

Marrone Bio Innovations Introduces New Biofungicide

Jamie Johansen

Marrone Bio Innovations, Inc., a leading global provider of bio-based pest management and plant health products formally introduces REGALIA® Rx, an advanced, broad-spectrum biofungicide that improves plant health and increases yield potential. REGALIA® Rx is registered for use in corn, soybeans, wheat, rice, and other row crops. Adding just one pint of REGALIA Rx to an existing fungicide program improved …

Agribusiness, Corn, Fungicide, Rice, Soybean, Wheat

BASF Sharpen Gets Registration for Rice

Cindy Zimmerman

Rice growers now have a new weapon in the fight against tough weeds such as hemp sesbania, morning glory, and Texasweed. BASF has received federal registration of Sharpen® herbicide for both pre- and post-emergence applications on rice to allow for flexible control of broadleaf weeds. “This is a herbicide that offers growers broad-spectrum control on broadleaf weeds,” said Eric Webster, …

Agribusiness, BASF, Crop Protection, Rice, weed management