RFA Ethanol Podcast

Ethanol Industry Strong at #RFANEC

Chuck Zimmerman

This morning at the National Ethanol Conference, Bob Dinneen, Renewable Fuels Association, gave his annual State of the Ethanol Industry Speech in front of over 1,000 attendees. He said that the domestic ethanol industry remains strong and touted its ability to successfully navigate the vagaries of the markets and overcome the perils of policy uncertainty. “The strength of the U.S. …

Audio, Ethanol, National Ethanol Conference, RFA

Free Fuel Happy Hours at Sturgis Buffalo Chip

Chuck Zimmerman

The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) has been providing free E10 fuel fill-ups for bikers at the Buffalo Chip Campground during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally for the past four years, and every year Chip owner Rod “Woody” Woodruff is first in line. Cindy borrowed my new Golden ZimmComm Microphone to interview Woody during her first trip to the annual event. “RFA …

Ag Groups, Audio, Biofuels, Energy, Ethanol, RFA, Video

American Agri-Women Drive Across America Support

John Davis

Syngenta is the latest sponsor to sign up to support American Agri-Women Drive Across America, joining several others including Bayer CropScience, the Renewable Fuels Association and AgriPulse in the five-month educational and advocacy tour. American Agri-Women (AAW), the nation’s largest coalition of farm, ranch and agri-business women, is celebrating 40 years of advocating for agriculture with its “Drive Across America.” …

Ag Groups, Agri-Pulse, Agribusiness, Bayer, RFA

Bob Dinneen Live Stream of State of Ethanol Industry

Chuck Zimmerman

This morning at 8am central we will live stream the session from the National Ethanol Conference featuring Renewable Fuels Association CEO Bob Dinneen. Bob will deliver this annual state of the industry address a few minutes after 8am and we’ll be recording it so that you can watch and listen later if you miss the broadcast or want to review …

Ag Groups, Audio, Biofuels, Ethanol, National Ethanol Conference, RFA, Video

20th National Ethanol Conference Kicks Off

Cindy Zimmerman

Football Hall of Fame member Kenny Houston helped Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) president and CEO Bob Dinneen get the early activities for the 20th annual National Ethanol Conference underway on Ash Wednesday in Dallas. Houston is a former American football defensive back who played for the Houston Oilers and then the Washington Redskins between 1967 and 1980, but today he …

Audio, Ethanol, RFA

Why RFA Loves Farm Broadcasters

Cindy Zimmerman

Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) president and CEO Bob Dinneen loves coming to the National Association of Farm Broadcasting Trade Talk event each year, but not for the reason you might think. “It’s not just because you get to do 25-30 interviews in a day,” said Dinneen, pictured here with DeLoss Jahnke of WMBD/WIRL in Peoria. “It’s because you’re interacting with …

Audio, Ethanol, NAFB, RFA

Food Prices Not Following Corn Down

Cindy Zimmerman

Just two years ago when corn prices were up due to the drought, critics were blaming higher food prices on the use of corn for ethanol. Today, corn prices are lower than the cost of production, but food prices are still rising. The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) has released a new report that shows how false food versus fuel claims …

Audio, Corn, Ethanol, Food, RFA

Social Media in the War Room

Chuck Zimmerman

Social media part of a war room discussion? Yep. It was at the 2014 National Ethanol Conference. Participating in a panel titled, “Communications and Social Media War Room” was Christina Martin, Executive Vice President, Renewable Fuels Association. We chatted about her panel at the conclusion of the conference. Christina says that the purpose of the session was “to capture the …

Ag Groups, Audio, Ethanol, National Ethanol Conference, RFA, Social Media, Social Networking, ZimmCast

Led Zep 2 Rocks the Ethanol Industry

Chuck Zimmerman

I never got to see Led Zeppelin live but last night I found out what it would have been like when Led Zeppelin 2 performed for the National Ethanol Conference. This band is fantastic. You can see what I mean in the video below (Dazed and Confused). Playing Jimmy Page on stage is Paul Kamp, founding partner of Leifmark and …

Ag Groups, Audio, Biofuels, Ethanol, National Ethanol Conference, RFA