2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

This Quasimojo Member Won’t Be Forgotten

Chuck Zimmerman

Here’s a post I really wish I didn’t have to do. I received an email a little while ago that Andy Markwart, the editor of John Deere’s “The Furrow” magazine just passed away. I only just got to know Andy in the last year or so since I’ve become involved with AAEA and IFAJ. Andy was one of the members of the popular Quasimojo band that played at their events. I know I will join many people in missing Andy. The news was a shock and he and his family will be remembered in our prayers.

Agribusiness, Publication

Play Combine Combat

Chuck Zimmerman

Combine CombatI hope Cindy doesn’t read this post since it’s about a new online computer game called Combine Combat. It’s created by Successful Farming and John Deere. I played through all 4 levels. My first time final score was 407,494. How’s that stack up against your score? I can see in there user forum that a couple people have gotten higher that 600,000. I wonder who’s tops.

Agribusiness, Internet, Publication