RFA Ethanol Podcast

#Propane Power from @GROWMARK

Cindy Zimmerman

Propane power is on a roll these days, going far beyond it’s traditional uses of home heating and grain drying, moving into areas such as fleet vehicles and irrigation engines. For this edition of the ZimmCast, I talked with Becky Hornblower, GROWMARK’s propane marketing and technical services manager, about everything that’s new about propane – from supplies and prices, to …

Energy, FS System, GROWMARK, Propane, ZimmCast

Farmers Saving Money with Propane

Joanna Schroeder

Farmers are saving money with propane according to research conducted by the Propane Research and Education Council (PERC) on its Propane Farm Incentive Program. To learn more about the program and how farmers can get involved and save money, Chuck Zimmerman spoke with PERC’s Director of Agriculture Business Development Cinch Munson during Commodity Classic 2016 in New Orleans. The results …

Agribusiness, Audio, Commodity Classic, PERC, Propane

PERC Offers Propane Farm Incentive Program

Kelly Marshall

The Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) announces the release of the 2016 Propane Farm Incentive Program.  This nationwide research and demonstration provides farmers with purchase incentives of up to $5,000 toward new propane-powered farm equipment. Sponsored by PERC, the 2016 Propane Farm Incentive Program offers incentives of $300 per liter of engine displacement for irrigation engines, $30 per kilowatt …

Agribusiness, Energy, Propane

Propane Expansion is Good News for Ag Producers

John Davis

Propane is expanding in production and the options for its use. During the recent National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) convention in Kansas City, Missouri, Cindy caught up with Cinch Munson from the Propane Education and Research Council (PERC) who said that there are 102.4 million barrels of propane in storage right now – a nearly 30 percent increase from …

Audio, NAFB, PERC, Propane

PERC Unveils Website on Propane Safety on the Farm

John Davis

A new website is giving kids more information about how to be safe around propane on the farm. The Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) unveiled the interactive site – propanekids.com/agsafety – that includes fun and educational videos, science experiments, and activities aimed at children ages 12 and under. “Our Amazing Farm,” the latest addition to the PropaneKids.com site, features …

PERC, Propane

Propane Program Pays Off for Growers

Cindy Zimmerman

The Propane Farm Incentive Program paid off for participants last year, according to the Propane Education and Research Council (PERC). PERC reports that participants of the program, which provides up to $5,000 toward the purchase of new propane-powered irrigation engines, reduced their per hour energy costs by more than 40 percent in 2014 compared with their previously owned diesel-fueled irrigation …

Audio, Irrigation, PERC, Propane, Video

Research Finds Propane Cuts GHG Emissions

Cindy Zimmerman

New research commissioned by the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) finds that propane equipment cuts greenhouse gas emissions and reduces fuel costs. “A Comparative Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Propane and Competing Energy Sources,” prepared by Nexight Group, studied 14 applications to compare emissions from propane-powered equipment with emissions from conventional energy sources such as gasoline, diesel, and …

Farming, Irrigation, PERC, Propane

Propane Grain Dryers Increase Efficiency

Cindy Zimmerman

Farmers at Commodity Classic were showing increased interest in upgrading their grain dryers to high efficiency propane units. Cinch Munson with the Propane Education and Research Council (PERC) says their research shows that a new propane grain dryer can result in 50% efficiency savings. “PERC has worked with a number of grain dryers manufacturers over the past few years to …

Audio, Commodity Classic, Energy, Grains, PERC, Propane

Interest in #Propane at #Classic15

Cindy Zimmerman

Farmers were showing quite a bit of interest in propane power at the 2015 Commodity Classic – everything from irrigation engines and grain dryers, to greenhouse heat and lawn mowers. “There’s new propane equipment on the market that’s very efficient,” says Cinch Munson with the Propane Education and Research Council (PERC), who adds that the benefits are numerous. “Propane engines …

Audio, Commodity Classic, Energy, PERC, Propane

Propane Power Pays at #Classic15

Cindy Zimmerman

If you are a farmer at Commodity Classic this week and you might be in the market for propane-powered equipment, you definitely should stop by the Propane Education and Research Council (PERC) booth at the trade show and get incentivized. When I visited with PERC opening day, I met Tom Uhlman of Nebraska who took advantage of the propane incentive …

Audio, Commodity Classic, PERC, Propane