2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

BASF Kicks Off #Classic16 with #LivingAcres

Cindy Zimmerman

Agricultural media heard from BASF Crop Protection executives Wednesday at the 10th annual Science Behind event, held prior to the start of the 2016 Commodity Classic in New Orleans. The event was held appropriately for the topic at the Audubon Butterfly Garden and Insecterium which helped showcase findings from a BASF biodiversity research initiative called Living Acres. “Living Acres is …

Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic, Crop Protection, pollinators, Research

BASF Science Behind #LivingAcres

Jamie Johansen

The 10th annual BASF Science Behind media event prior to Commodity Classic this year was all about butterflies and research into establishing new habitat for these iconic insects and important pollinators. During the Science Behind Living Acres, BASF announced first-year findings from a biodiversity research initiative focused on helping increase the iconic monarch butterfly population through establishing milkweed in non-crop …

Agribusiness, Audio, BASF, pollinators

Bayer Bee #AgVocates in NOLA

Cindy Zimmerman

Bayer Bee Care teamed up with the Orleans Parish 4-H chapter Tuesday to break ground on a pollinator patch in the teaching garden at Benjamin Franklin Elementary School, planting pollinator-friendly plants to increase forage and educate the next generation of bee advocates about the importance of pollinators. “We’re thrilled to work with Bayer to inspire a new generation of bee …

Audio, Bayer, Bees, pollinators

Pollinators Part of @GROWMARK Endure Program

Cindy Zimmerman

Protecting pollinators is part of the GROWMARK sustainability initiative called ENDURE. “Sustainability is a very hot topic in the world today,” said GROWMARK Director of Strategic Agronomy Marketing Lance Ruppert. “As a company we’re trying to look at our internal actions to be sustainable as a system and get that message out.” Because pollinator health is so critical, Ruppert says …

Audio, Bees, GROWMARK, pollinators, Sustainability

Bee Buzz at #PotatoExpo

Cindy Zimmerman

There was a lot of buzz about bees at the 2016 Potato Expo this week in Las Vegas. The National Potato Council announced this week that they are joining the Bayer CropScience Feed a Bee initiative as an official partner committing to enlist America’s potato farmers to help feed bees. Dr. Becky Langer, manager of the North American Bee Care …

Audio, Bayer, Bees, pollinators, Potato

Farm Bureau Creates ‘The Buzz’ Over Educational Game

John Davis

A new educational game offered for free by Farm Bureau is creating quite the buzz about pollinators. This news release from the group says “The Buzz,” a new interactive and educational game, recently released by the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture, educates users on the power of pollinators and reinforces science learning expectations by having learners explore pollinator habitats …

AFBF, Bees, pollinators

Industry Pleased with White House Pollinator Plan

Cindy Zimmerman

Last June, President Obama called for an interagency Task Force to create a Strategy to Promote the Health of Honey Bees and Other Pollinators. Tuesday, the Task Force released its strategy, under the joint leadership of EPA and USDA. Industry reaction to the plan, which outlines actions to be taken by more than a dozen other federal agencies and departments, …

ARA, Bayer, Bees, Environment, EPA, NCGA, pesticides, pollinators

Bayer Helps Growers CARE for Crops and Bees

John Davis

Bayer CropScience is continuing a program that helps growers and beekeepers collaborate to help feed a growing planet. With more than $15 billion dollars worth of crops in the U.S. pollinated by bees each year, the CARE program, now in its third year, reflects Bayer’s ongoing commitment to product stewardship, protecting natural resources, enhancing agricultural sustainability and promoting partnerships between …

Agribusiness, Bayer, Bees, pollinators

Bayer Encourages Comments on Neonic Benefits

Cindy Zimmerman

Farmers and other stakeholders have only a few days left to comment on the EPA report about the “Benefits of Neonicotinoid Seed Treatments to Soybean Production” which finds little or no overall benefits. The comment period concludes on December 22. Dr. Becky Langer, Bayer CropScience Bee Care Program manager, says they developed a platform for people to comment on the …

ASTA, Audio, Bayer, Insecticides, pollinators

ASTA CSS Focus on Pollinators

Leah Guffey

There has been an increasing focus on pollinators lately, but the Pollinator Partnership has been working on pollinator health issues for the past 18 years with a diverse set of partners. Partnership executive director Laurie Davies Adams was on a panel focused on keeping pollinators safe during ASTA CSS in Chicago this week providing an update on the organization’s latest …

Ag Groups, ASTA, Audio, Bees, pollinators, Seed