2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

SD Senator Speaks Out on Policy Impacting Agriculture

Cindy Zimmerman

Sen. John Thune (R-SD) spoke out on the Senate floor this week about Democrat policies that he says are harmful to farmers and ranchers. “For starters, I’m worried that Democrats’ bill could mean the end of some family farms thanks to the bill’s expansion of the death tax,” said Thune. “Death should not be a taxable event.” Sen. Thune also …

Audio, politics

Sen. Pat Roberts Bids Farewell

Cindy Zimmerman

Sen. Pat Roberts, the Republican from Kansas who has served as a leader in both the House and Senate Agriculture Committees over his four decade career in Congress, said goodbye to his Senate colleagues Thursday in a farewell floor speech. The outspoken senator who helped to write the past eight farm bills spoke about his background, how he went from …

Audio, Farm Bill, politics

ARA Conference Wraps Up with Post-Election Panel

Cindy Zimmerman

The Agricultural Retailers Association (ARA) concluded its annual Conference & Expo this week with a panel featuring industry experts sharing insights on what impact the 2020 election results will have on the ag retail industry. The Scoop’s Margy Eckelkamp moderated the closing panel discussion featuring insights on the impact the 2020 election results will have on ag retailers and their …

ag retailers, ARA, Audio, GROWMARK, politics

Post-Election Implications for Agriculture

Cindy Zimmerman

The Agricultural Business Council of Kansas City’s November 12 webinar took a look at the results of the November 3 election and the implications for agribusiness. The panel featured farm policy analyst Sara Wyant, founder of Agri-Pulse Communications; Blake Hurst, president, Missouri Farm Bureau Federation; and Ron Seeber, president and CEO for the Kansas Grain and Feed Association, Renew Kansas …

Agribusiness, Audio, politics

Debate Mentions Farmers, Discusses Energy

Cindy Zimmerman

President Donald Trump highlighted his support for U.S. farmers and ranchers during the presidential debate with Democrat challenger Joe Biden Thursday night. “China is paying … I just gave 28 billion dollars to our farmers,” President Trump said when asked what he would do to make China pay for its lack of transparency about the coronavirus. Interrupted by Biden saying …

Audio, Energy, politics

ZimmCast 655 – Agri-Pulse September Virtual Events

Cindy Zimmerman

Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast. Agri-Pulse is calling this month a “September to Remember” with a total of four virtual or semi-virtual events they are hosting – that’s about 24 hours of content! Those events include: 2020 Virtual Food & Ag Policy Summit West – September 9, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Pacific Time 2020 Ag & Food Policy …

Agri-Pulse, Audio, Events, Podcasts, politics, ZimmCast

Agri-Pulse Partners with AEM on “Campaign 2020”

Cindy Zimmerman

Agri-Pulse is partnering with the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) to provide comprehensive coverage of the 2020 elections. “Agri-Pulse first launched in-depth election coverage for the 2016 cycle, and we plan to expand our reports and analysis under a new series called ‘Campaign 2020’,” said Agri-Pulse Editor Sara Wyant. “This year’s coverage will explore important House and Senate races and …

AEM, Agri-Pulse, politics

Yoho: Improving the Farm Labor Shortage

Carrie Muehling

Congressman Ted Yoho of Florida’s 3rd District was at the 2020 Southeast Regional Fruit & Vegetable Conference, talking about guest worker legislation. “This is a bill that will solve a problem for illegal immigration in this country on the lower skilled tiers,” said Yoho. “We give opportunity for people before they come into the country to apply to this program. …

Audio, labor, politics, Vegetables

Farmers in the Democratic Debate

Cindy Zimmerman

Farmers got about two minutes of airtime during the Democratic presidential candidate debate last night. South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg was asked whether he would continue the “farm subsidies” that President Trump has authorized to help farmers struggling from the impact of the trade war with China. “We shouldn’t have to pay farmers to take the edge off of …

Audio, Ethanol, Farming, politics, Trade

Latest Agri-Pulse Poll Shows Strong Support for Trump

Cindy Zimmerman

It’s probably safe to say that no president in recent history has talked about agriculture as much as President Donald J. Trump, who has managed to mention farmers in nearly every campaign stop he has made in the past week. That “I love farmers” strategy continues to pay off, despite trade policy strategies that have impacted agricultural exports. A new …

Agri-Pulse, AgWired Precision, politics