2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Discussing Eminent Domain

Amanda Nolz

Tomorrow, I’m headed to the home of longtime friends Mike and Sue Sibson, cattle ranchers from western Miner County. They have asked me to come view their operation and help tell their story. The Sibsons were one of several South Dakota families to sign on to a lawsuit last year trying to prevent TransCanada from using eminent domain to seize …


Climate Change Legislation Hot Topic at Ag Issues Forum

Amanda Nolz

It was standing room only in the First National Bank South Dakota Pavillion for the Agriculture Issues Panel featuring Senator John Thune, Representative Stephanie Herseth-Sandlin, South Dakota Secretary of Agriculture Bill Even, State Director of Farm Service Agency (FSA) Schaunaman and Michelle Rook of WNAX as the moderator. And, the main topic of discussion: climate change legislation. The Waxman-Markey Bill …


Baxter Black’s Humor Helps Serious Cause in La Junta

Amanda Nolz

An interesting article was recently published in the Ag Journal about an organization called Not 1 More Acre, who is fighting to keep the United States Army from claiming their pasture land. Check out an excerpt of the story below, and let me know what you think… Nearly 400 people packed the Koshare Kiva Saturday to hear Baxter Black, America’s …


Speaker to Debunk Animal Activists

Amanda Nolz

A workshop to educate farmers and ranchers on how to become spokespersons for agriculture will be held June 19, 2009 at Westwood Park in Geauga County, Ohio. This workshop, sponsored by the ProAnimal Coalition of northeast Ohio, will provide information on how local speakers can tell the factual story of animal agriculture and its importance to us and our food …

Food, politics

CHS Straw Vote

Chuck Zimmerman

Okay, let me add to your political saturation level. Hey, it’ll all be over tomorrow night (we hope). I thought this was an interesting story, especially considering the business CHS is involved in. Minnesota polls are showing otherwise, but the 20-year-old straw vote tradition at the headquarters of CHS Inc. (NASDAQ:CHSCP) , a leading energy and grain-based foods company, is …

Agribusiness, politics

Enjoying Some Palin Sunshine

Chuck Zimmerman

If you were following my Twitter feed then you know where I’ve been for at least part of today. Not to try to influence anyone out there but Cindy, my daughter Chelsea and I went to see Sarah Palin at the Missouri State Capitol building. Here’s Sarah right after she winked at me. We were kind of hoping she’d say …


What Would You Say to McCain?

Cindy Zimmerman

Republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain is causing quite a bit of concern among members of the agriculture and ethanol industries with his comments about farm programs and ethanol incentives. Last week in Missouri, McCain said, “My administration will reduce the price of food by eliminating the subsidies for ethanol and agricultural goods. These subsidies inflate the price of food, …

AEM, Audio, politics