Are You On The Cluetrain?

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s the end of a long two weeks of on the road agriblogging. Thanks for hanging around for all the fun from the Cattle Industry Convention and the National Biodiesel Conference. Whether you like my coverage of these events or not I think you have to admire the fact that the Cattlemen’s Beef Board and the National Biodiesel Board have moved way ahead of the pack when it comes to openly and personally communicating with the public and the people who are paying the bills. They just plain “get it.” I’m not even sure if they’re aware of the Cluetrain or not but they’re on it.


Podcasting 7 Deadly Sins

Chuck Zimmerman

International Nanocasting AllianceLet’s take a break for a moment from the Cattle Industry Convention and talk about podcasting. Since I know many of our readers are considering this great new way to communicate there are certainly some considerations. A nice little list of “The 7 Deadly Sins of Commercial Podcasting” can be found on Media Savvy 2.0. They’re really focusing on people who want to commercialize their podcast efforts but I think that a lot of what they say applies to any company that is considering it. They refer to podcasting as “nanocasting.” Here’s just one of the list:
