Here’s the newest recording sensation for the serious farm podcaster. The Griffin iTalk attached to a video iPod. The iTalk is the little thing about the size of pack of chewing gum at the bottom of the iPod.
The Blog Business Show Went On
These Canadian guys are ahead of the curve when it comes to blogging and podcasting. One of them is Wayne Hurlbert, Blog Business World.
Working Breakfast With MBIC
The Missouri Beef Industry Council leaders are on the job here in Springfield, MO. Here’s chairman Andrew McCrea (left) and executive director, John Kleiboeker listening to a report from Missouri Cattle Association executive vice president, Brent Bryant. Andrew is also an award winning farm broadcaster for Brownfield.
Listen In On Blog Talk Radio Tonight
One of the first people I found when I got started blogging was Wayne Hurlbert, Blog Business World. It was a lot of his ideas about how to use a blog as a business communications tool that formed some of my ideas about how to use this great platform.
Well, Wayne’s a podcaster too and on something called Blog Talk Radio. Tonight at 8pm (Eastern) I’ll be his guest on his program “Blog Business Success Radio.” You can listen in live or use these instructions from Wayne if you can’t:
It’s Now a New Media Expo
I haven’t been able to attend either of the first two Expos but maybe the third time will be a charm next year. It used to be called the Podcast & Portable Media Expo. I’m pretty psyched that they’ve changed the name to Podcast & New Media Expo.
If you really want to learn about this whole new media thing we’ve been trying to help you understand you can either: 1. Set up a personal ZimmComm New Media consultation or 2. Attend the Podcast & New Media Expo.
Talk to my iPod
You don’t have to be a farm podcaster to appreciate what the Griffin iTalk Pro lets you do with your Nano or iPod. Finally there’s a tool that lets you easily record onto the iPod.
It has built in microphones or you can plug in an external microphone. This allows you to also plug into a mult-box at a press conference too.
Podcast Audience Grows
According to a new report from the PEW Internet and American Life Project the number of people who have downloaded a podcast is growing. Quite quickly it seems to me. This graphic is from where I saw the report first.
Capital Press is Podcasting
How about this? Capital Press is podcasting. You know what I think? That’s COOL!
Dairycast Is Online
It looks like Truffle Media Networks has their Dairycast program up and running. It got started in conjunction with World Dairy Expo just a few weeks ago. The farm podcasting choices continue to grow.
MAC Meeting About to Start
Well we’re about to get started here at the MAC meeting in Cedar Falls.