send news release today

Green Podcasts and Earth Day Responses

Chuck Zimmerman

My Earth Day Post has generated a couple responses. They’re posted below. Additionally, the latest edition of the iTunes New Music Tuesday newsletter links you to a number of “Earth Day Podcasts.” The link will open your iTunes, or ask for it, take you to a search page that lists them for you so that you can easily subscribe to …

Ag Groups, Podcasts

Future Agriblogger & Farm Podcaster

Chuck Zimmerman

Last week I got to speak to the AGJ Capstone class at the University of Missouri. We talked about blogging and podcasting and some ways they might think of using these new communication channels when they get out in the real world. Afterward I interviewed Jessica Pollard who’s a senior at Mizzou and interested in public relations. She says that …

Audio, Podcasts, University

Advertising in Podcasts

Chuck Zimmerman

Hopefully if you’re involved in marketing you’ve got a subscription to Chief Marketer. I’ve pointed you to them before because they have interesting articles like this one on advertising in podcasts. It’s titled, “And Now A Word From Our Sponsor: Podcasters Integrate Advertising Into the Mix.” It is an interview with a couple of guys from Libsyn (Liberated Syndication) who …

Advertising, Podcasts

Podcast Measurement on a Winter Day

Chuck Zimmerman

Why have a camera if you don’t use it right? It was so nice today I had to get out for a break. In fact, it’s warmer in Missouri today than it was when I left Tampa, FL yesterday. It almost got up to 70 degrees. Now just so you don’t think, “Chuck why are you wasting my time with …


Comic Festival Podcasts

Chuck Zimmerman

What? A post about a comic book show in New York? Why Chuck? I’ll tell you why. Because the show organizers are using new media to not only promote the show but “as a way to build up an online community surrounding the show.” Imagine if we had a Commodity Classic blog and podcast. What kinds of interviews would we …


Podvertising Growing

Chuck Zimmerman

A new article on talks about the growth in advertising in podcasts. They’re looking at the whole issue from a mass consumer standpoint and make it very clear that this is a niche audience channel. What I’d like to see is research on those of us who are specifically using it as a niche vs. mass audience channel. For …


FarmerFeeds For Farm Podcasts

Chuck Zimmerman

My friend Dwayne Leslie, from north of the border just announced a new website that you should visit. It’s Farmer Feeds. I was one of the people he had look at this when it was in beta and I like what I see here of the finished product. FarmerFeeds.Com has been launched as the first website designed to help the …

Media, Podcasts

Agriblogging and Farm Podcasting

Chuck Zimmerman

Those are two of my favorite terms and what’s becoming the largest part of our business. If you’re a regular AgWired reader or subscriber then you know I’ve been cross posting onto multiple blogs over the last 9 days. They include two websites which offer a good example of how you can use this platform as a unique, effective and …


Truffle On The ZimmCast

Chuck Zimmerman

In this week’s ZimmCast I have a conversation with Aaron Gilbertie, Truffle Media Networks. We talk about our new agreement to work together offering new media services to the agribusiness community. I’m excited about the future of online communications and the folks at Truffle share the feeling. Together we can offer more current channels of communication with our established news …

Audio, Podcasts, ZimmCast

ZimmComm and Truffle Joining Forces

Chuck Zimmerman

The news is out that the agricultural marketing community has a growing new media resource. ZimmComm is joining forces with Truffle Media Networks to offer our combined resources in helping you utilize new channels of communication. We’re maintaining our separate companies and this isn’t a partnership. “Joining forces” is the best way to describe it. I just like to think …
