2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Dancing To Quasimojo

Chuck Zimmerman

I don’t know when the first Quasimojo performance was at an IFAJ event but they’re still going strong. This year’s Congress found them playing on stage after our final dinner in Portoroz, Slovenia. We had just finished all the speeches and awards and were full and it was late. The band has a kind of flexible membership and somehow seems …

IFAJ, Novus International, Pioneer

Pumpkin Seed Oil

Chuck Zimmerman

A year before the IFAJ Congress 2008 we were given packets of pumpkin seeds to plant and then we were supposed to send in or bring photos of our pumpkin plants. I tried but let’s just say growing pumpkins isn’t one of my things. We saw lots of pumpkin fields but never got to visit any when we were in …

IFAJ, Novus International, Pioneer

Slovenia Ag Group

Chuck Zimmerman

While we were in Slovenia at the IFAJ Congress one of our hosts was Ciril Smrkolj who is President of the Slovenia Agriculture and Forestry Chamber, a primary ag group in the country. I spoke with him at our closing dinner. He’s very much a pro-agriculture kind of guy. He says that his organization does work on promotion and marketing. …

Ag Groups, Audio, IFAJ, International, Novus International, Pioneer

Franz Fischler Concludes The Congress

Chuck Zimmerman

I like the way Fran Fischler, President of the IFAJ Congress 2008, started his remarks at the end of the event. “Everything has already been said but not by everybody.” He then proceeded to thank all the people who worked to make this Congress a reality, including all the sponsors. He pointed out how different farming is around the world. …

Audio, IFAJ, International, Novus International, Pioneer

When Did You Use One of These Last?

Chuck Zimmerman

Here’s something you just don’t see much any more. Telephone booths. I remember when we used to be able to unscrew the mouthpieces and plug our recorders into them with alligator clips to send audio back home. I also remember moving to Missouri and stopping at one of these in north Illinois during the winter to call home when the …

IFAJ, Novus International, Pioneer, Technology

Passing The IFAJ Flag

Chuck Zimmerman

The IFAJ Congress has concluded but AgWired coverage of the event has not. Over the next several days I’ll be featuring more interviews and video clips. Our schedule and internet access has worked against me a little bit. Cindy and I just got back into Graz where we’ll fly out early tomorrow for St. Louis. At the moment, the internet …

IFAJ, Novus International, Pioneer