Hall Monitor Maven

Chuck Zimmerman

It takes a lot of volunteers work to put on an Agri-Marketing Conference and a student marketing competition. Nancy Barcus, Agriculture Future of America, Director of Leader Development Programs is one. She’s the hall monitor during the early round of student presentations. She has to keep the hallway clear during presentations to prevent distractions. This is important stuff here! Nancy …

Audio, NAMA

Visiting With Vance

Chuck Zimmerman

What is the one thing you like best about NAMA and the Agri-Marketing Conference? For me it’s the opportunities for networking and fellowship with clients and friends. That’s what I got to do at the Vance Publishing reception at The Cashew last night. While there I met Tim Tobeck, VP/Publishing Director. Tim is relatively new to Vance so with my …

Audio, Media, NAMA

ZimmComm Will Make Google Juice at NAMA

Chuck Zimmerman

I’m just saying that when it comes to Google Juice you just don’t need to look further than ZimmComm New Media. So plan to stop by booth 412 and let us introduce you to Google Juice ZimmComm style. 2011 Agri-Marketing Conference Photo Album


2011 Agri-Marketing Conference Photos

Chuck Zimmerman

Let the NAMA games begin. Actually they have starting with today’s ABEF Golf Tournament. It was a beautiful day for it. Registration has been busy, especially with all the student competitors arriving for their afternoon competition orientation. As you might expect, there are photos online and Cindy and I will be adding to them throughout the next several days: 2011 …


NAMA App Arrives in Time for Conference

Cindy Zimmerman

This app just in … the NAMA App! The National Agri-Marketing Association is thrilled to announce its all-new app, just in time for the 2011 Agri-Marketing Conference. The app is available for iPhone, iPod, iPad or Android smartphone and Blackberry is coming soon. Download from iTunes here. Download from the Android Market here. 2011 Agri-Marketing Conference Photo Album

NAMA, Technology

ZimmComm At The NAMA Connection Point

Chuck Zimmerman

Here’s your first look at the layout of the Connection Point at the 2011 Agri-Marketing Conference. I just wanted to make sure you knew where to find us. It’s not hard. We’re booth number 412. So what’s your incentive to stop by and say hi? Well, first of all we’re going to be giving away two iPod Touches, one to …


IFAJ and NAMA Deadlines

Chuck Zimmerman

We’ve got a couple of deadlines coming up this Friday. The first one is for entries for the IFAJ-Alltech Young Leaders in Agricultural Journalism Award. Since each country member of IFAJ can nominate a member (that’s AAEA in the USA) you need to get your application in if you would like to be considered. The award recognizes the leadership potential …


NAMA Announces Leadership Award Winners

Chuck Zimmerman

The National Agri-Marketing Association has announced award winners. 2011 Agribusiness Leader of the Year NAMA has named Jeff Simmons, President, Elanco Animal Health, as the 2011 Agribusiness Leader of the Year. This award, which is NAMA’s highest honor, will be presented at the Opening General Session of the 2011 Agri-Marketing Conference, “Harvesting Ideas,” April 14, 2011, in Kansas City, Missouri. …

Agencies, Agribusiness, NAMA