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NAMA Executive Committee Meets

Chuck Zimmerman

The Executive Committee for the National Agri-Marketing Association has been meeting all afternoon in advance of the 2012 Agri-Marketing Conference. We discussed the strategic plan and how things are going with the core areas for it as well as other business of the organization which will be discussed further in tomorrow’s board meeting. It’s time now for NAMA leaders to …


Be AgWired Appy at NAMA

Cindy Zimmerman

Our theme at the 2012 National Agri-Marketing Association conference is “Don’t Worry, Be Appy!” Our AgWired app, sponsored by Raven Industries, is almost two years old now – available for both iPhone and Android users – yet we continue to get new downloads every day and people tell us they use it all the time. It’s a handy way to …

NAMA, ZimmComm Announcement

NAMA After After Party With Chef Ray

Chuck Zimmerman

Pancakes and Flapjacks are the specialties of Chef Ray. He says they are not the same thing. They are on the menu for the Rhea+Kaiser After the After Party this coming Thursday night, or morning, depending on your definition. Watch below if you have not met Chef Ray yet. Here’s a little info about Ray: I’m Ray. Work? Not really …

Agencies, NAMA, Video

Find ZimmComm at Connection Point

Chuck Zimmerman

Finding ZimmComm at the 2012 Agri-Marketing Conference Connection Point is not hard to do. But this graphic makes it a little easier. We’re hoping to see you there! Cindy and I will be getting a helping hand from daughter Caitlin and we’ll have some helpful items for you to pick up just for stopping by and saying hello. Our sales …

Media, NAMA

You Won’t be SOLO at the Brownfield Party

Chuck Zimmerman

I’ve already seen mention of it more than once on Facebook. It being the annual Brownfield party at the NAMA Agri-Marketing Conference. This year it’s back to Howl at the Moon. How many of you remember being there a couple years ago? How many of you were there but don’t remember being there :)? I’ll be the Brownfield photographer again …


A Wall of Wine to the Winner

Chuck Zimmerman

Here’s some incentive to support the National Agri-Marketing Association’s Agribusiness Educational Foundation. How about a chance to win a wall of wine! I’ll be donating a nice chianti to the wall btw. Join the ABEF Century Club and Get Entered to Win a Wall of Wine The ABEF Century Club provides us, as individuals, the opportunity to contribute to this …

Ag Groups, NAMA

Get Registered For 2012 Agri-Marketing Conference

Chuck Zimmerman

You will find Acres of Innovation at the 2012 Agri-Marketing Conference. Let’s start with the featured speakers. Get registered now if you haven’t done so yet. How do you turn good ideas into action that influences customer behavior and accelerates the buying process? How do you grab market share and stay relevant to your clients and customers for years to …

Ag Groups, NAMA

NAMA AAEA Get Together At Commodity Classic

Chuck Zimmerman

One of our sponsors here at Commodity Classic, BASF, gets involved in supporting the event in so many ways. One of them is to sponsor this year’s combined American Agricultural Editors Association and National Agri-Marketing Association reception. Pictured (l-r) Beth Burgy, Broadhead and NAMA President; Nadine Keutzer, BASF; Amy Ogburn, Padilla Speer Beardsley and Greg Horstmeier, DTN/The Progressive Farmer and …

ACN, Commodity Classic, NAMA

NAMA Announces 2012 Leadership Award Winners

Chuck Zimmerman

The National Agri-Marketing Association has announced this year’s Leadership Award winners. 2012 Agribusiness Leader of the Year The National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA) has named John Becherer, CEO of the United Soybean Board, as the 2012 Agribusiness Leader of the Year. This award, which is NAMA’s highest honor, will be presented at the Opening General Session of the 2012 Agri-Marketing Conference, …


Cattle Farmer Thoughts On Social Media

Chuck Zimmerman

Then National Agri-Marketing Association held it’s first ever producer panel here at the Cattle Industry Convention today. Pictured are (l-r) Jason McCann, MO, Laurie Lickely, ID, Gary Cooper, Southeast Agnet/Moderator and Kevin Kester, CA. The focus was on new communications technology. I visited with them briefly before the session to get each of their thoughts on this subject and I …

Audio, Cattle Industry Conference, NAMA, Social Networking