One of the breakout sessions during the NAMA Fall Conference was a presentation by Stacie Marshall, Bayer CropScience. The session title was “Working Together to Help Growers: What Agriculture Can Learn From Consumer Marketing.” Stacie started out by dispelling some myths about farmers that she has heard, even from people involved in agricultural marketing. For example, some people still believe …
Professional Dev Awards at #NAMAFall16
The National Agri-Marketing Association honored the winners of the Professional Development Awards of Excellence today. I’ve recorded their comments upon receiving the awards. Let’s start with Marcy Tessmann. Marcy is the recipient Communicator of the Year Award. Listen to Marcy’s comments here: Next up is Bill Brozak, Colle + McVoy/Exponent. Bill received the Public Relations Professional Award. These awards are …
#NAMAFall16 Underway
Hello from the National Agri-Marketing Association Fall Conference in Raleigh, NC. Here’s the good looking executive committee during our welcome reception last night. We’re into the meat of the program today with our keynote session taking place now featuring Gerry O’Brion, “What Big Brands Know: Navigating Change. Breakout sessions occur after that before our evening reception. I’m collecting photos from …
It’s #NAMAFall16 Week
It’s time for the 2016 National Agri-Marketing Association Fall Conference. Yours truly is headed that way today. Want to know who is going to be there? Check here. This year our keynote sessions will contribute to your career success. From wanting to achieving, learn simple steps to accomplish your goals and accelerate your success. Change is inevitable; discover how to …
NAMA Professional Development Award Winners
NAMA announced the winners of the 2016 Professional Development Awards. Each year, NAMA recognizes industry leaders at the very top of their respective fields. These prestigious awards acknowledge excellence in the areas of marketing communications, public relations and sales. The 2016 Marketing Communications award recipient is Marcy Tessman, President and Partner at Charleston|Orwig. In her tenure with Charleston|Orwig, she has …
NAMA Offers Precision Content Webinar
The National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA) is hosting a webinar on Thursday, May 19 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern. The seminar is entitled “Precision Content – Applying the Lessons of Modern Farming to Optimize Communications Efforts” will help communication professional navigate the process of creating content just as growers move through the growing cycle. Speakers Keith Negrin and Bill Brozak will discuss how …
#ZimmieZebra Has a New Home
I know the suspense is killing everyone. But have no fear…the wait is over! We are ready to announce the zelfie winner who gets to provide a new home for #ZimmieZebra. Congrats to Samantha Bock and her ‘Jungle Love’ tweet. Our goal with this contest was to find Zimmie a new home, but a chance of true love is just …
New NAMA President Matt Coniglio
The Agri-Marketing Conference has come and gone for this year and hopefully everyone has recovered. I think I have. The last item on my agenda for this year’s conference, put on by the National Agri-Marketing Association, was to interview the new President, Matt Coniglio, Penton Agriculture. In the photo you can see Matt is real happy to receive the gavel …
2016 NAMA Student Marketing Competition Winners
I hope we have all recovered from all the happenings during the 2016 Agri-Marketing Conference. But I will go out on a limb and say the students who have spent the last year preparing for the student marketing competition and won are still on cloud nine. Congratulations to the University of Wisconsin-Madison students for taking those 1st place honors. The …
#NAMA16 @Brownfield Beach Bash
It was a perfect night for a Brownfield Beach Bash last week in Kansas City at the National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA) convention. Brownfield Ag News carried on its annual tradition of the Thursday night part at NAMA and this year the venue was the Shark Bar in the Power and Light district. Guests sported flowered leis and carried tropical drinks …