RFA Ethanol Podcast

NAFB Convention President’s Report

Chuck Zimmerman

New National Association of Farm Broadcasting President Tom Steever, Brownfield, just sent out a post-convention report. It sure makes sense to send out a report we can listen to from this group doesn’t it? In Tom’s report you’ll hear about the value of increased professional improvement opportunities for the organization. I had the pleasure to chair the professional improvement committee …

Audio, NAFB

Great Outlook for Beef Exports

Cindy Zimmerman

The first six months of 2011, exports of U.S. beef and variety meat exports totaled over $3 billion, a 40% increase over the same time period in 2010 and something that has made beef cattle producers very happy this year. “It’s looking really good,” said National Cattlemen’s Beef Association president-elect J.D. Alexander of Nebraska during an interview at NAFB Trade …

Audio, Beef, NAFB, NCBA

The BASF Advantage Keeps Getting Better

Cindy Zimmerman

It seems like there is always something new from BASF Crop Protection to make life a little better for farmers. At the National Association of Farm Broadcasting Trade Talk, I talked with Technical Market Manager Nick Fassler about what is new in the fungicide arena. You might remember that we just chatted with Nick earlier this year at Commodity Classic …

Audio, BASF, Corn, NAFB, Soybean

Update On Vault HP

Chuck Zimmerman

At the NAFB Trade Talk I visited with Russ Berndt, Becker Underwood. We had visited earlier this year at the Ag Media Summit where we talked about their bio-based, growth-promoter for soybeans, Vault HP. Russ says that’s still the big news with Becker Underwood. Russ says they’ve had a big increase in sales this year which is the second year …

Agribusiness, Audio, NAFB

Increasing Corn Yield In 2012

Chuck Zimmerman

Maximizing corn yields in 2012 was the theme of information shared during the NAFB Trade Talk this year by FMC. I visited with Gail Stratman (not pictured), FMC Midwest Technical Lead to find out what’s new with FMC. He says that as demand for corn continues to grow worldwide, farmers are trying to eke out every bushel they can from …

Agribusiness, Audio, FMC, NAFB

New Research On Benefits Of Atrazine

Chuck Zimmerman

During the recent NAFB convention, AgriTalk recorded a panel discussion about new research on Atrazine. This herbicide, which has been on the market for more than 50 years is very beneficial from an economic and environmental standpoint in the production of corn, sorghum and sugar cane according to this new research. I interviewed one of those researchers, Dr. Mike Owen, …

Agribusiness, Audio, Environment, Farming, NAFB, Syngenta, Video

Cattlemen’s Beef Board Update

Chuck Zimmerman

The Cattlemen’s Beef Board is enjoying the best relationships with its contractors in years according to new CEO Polly Ruhland. I spoke with Polly, pictured on the right, at the NAFB Trade Talk session to find out how things are going after some of the recent changes. Polly says that the Beef Board is taking a look at the structure …

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, NAFB

Meet New NAFB President

Chuck Zimmerman

He looks very presidential in this photo doesn’t he? He’s Tom Steever, Brownfield and the new President of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting. Tom actually takes over officially on January 1, 2012. However, he has been serving as interim President following the tragic death of Lindsay Hill earlier this year. So that kind of makes Tom the “old” and …

Audio, Media, NAFB, ZimmCast

Learning About SipcamAdvan

Chuck Zimmerman

During the NAFB Trade Talk session I got a chance to learn more about SipcamAdvan with George Hackman, Development Manager (not pictured). This photo is of their Trade Talk booth which was busy with another interview. George says that SipcamAdvan is based in Durham, NC with a full lineup of traditional chemistries that includes herbicides and fungicides. He says they’re …

Agribusiness, Audio, NAFB

Super Committee Heading for Super Failure?

Cindy Zimmerman

With a deadline looming for the so-called “super committee” to make super cuts in the federal budget, all signs are pointing to a super failure. The committee was charged with making cuts that ideally would mean a new Farm Bill and that was a major topic of discussion with farm group representatives at the recent National Association of Farm Broadcasting …