2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

2024 Apple Grower of the Year Announced

Cindy Zimmerman

Tim Welsh of Wenatchee, WA, has been named the 2024 American Fruit GrowerSM Apple Grower of the Year. The award is presented by American Fruit Grower® magazine, published by Meister Media Worldwide. Welsh started picking apples as a kid, became a field man, then just kept working his way up. Today he is Chief Orchardist, Columbia Orchard Management. “Columbia Fruit …

Meister Media, specialty crops

Meister Media Worldwide Announces CEAg World

Cindy Zimmerman

Meister Media Worldwide announces the launch of CEAg World, the new and innovative multi-media global business “Advancing Food Under Cover.” The new global brand will strive to represent all segments of crops grown in controlled environments, including greenhouses, hoop houses and high tunnels, operations using shading or netting, vertical farms, container farms, and more. The new CEAgWorld.com is the central …

Media, Meister Media, Produce, specialty crops, Sustainability