RFA Ethanol Podcast

The ZimmComm Team Ready For Action!

Chuck Zimmerman

We just got set up in the newsroom at the San Diego Convention Center at the NRECA annual meeting. We’ve got audio piped in from the General Session Ballroom. Tomorrow former Senator Bob Dole will be the keynote speaker right after Glenn English, NRECA CEO, makes his opening speech. We’ll be using audio from the speeches as well as other …

Ag Groups, Media

Commodity Classic Newsroom – We Need More Internet Access Points

Chuck Zimmerman

Here’s some working journalists at the Commodity Classic. This is the very small area set up with internet access. There’s actually a line waiting to get connected. Thanks to Jeff Nalley, pictured in the back, interviewing Rick Tolman, CEO, NCGA, we have a multiple access switch which allows more reporters to get connected to the interne! To the right is …

Commodity Classic, Media

In The Commodity Classic Newsroom

Chuck Zimmerman

Hi from Austin. I made it and am in the convention center newsroom. Sitting here among a bunch of reporters like Jeff Nalley, from Kentucky (Cromwell Ag Media) and Michelle Rook from South Dakota(WNAX), Sara Wyant from Illinois, (Agripulse) and others. C5 internet connection jacks are at a premium here. Commodity Classic needs to double the connections or arrange for …

Commodity Classic, Media

2,803 Reporters! Over 6,000 Radio Stations!

Chuck Zimmerman

Yes, I’m still bragging about it. That’s a lot of radio stations and reporters. I know I wrote about this in my last post. But I think it should be repeated. If you had us send your Talking News Release to our complete reporter database, that’s how many would be on the receiving end. Where else can you get your …


So Glad To See Him

Chuck Zimmerman

Here’s Dick Marshall receiving the Lifetime Communicator Award from the Missouri Corn Growers Association. With Dick is family members including his brother Gary (far right) who is the Executive Director of MCGA. The award was presented at last yesterday’s MCGA Annual Mtg. in Jefferson City, MO. Dick used to work for me at the Brownfield Network. He was a longtime …


We Are The Media

Chuck Zimmerman

Or are we the media? Interesting question. It used to be that companies had to push their information to their customers through “traditional” media (newspaper, magazine, radio, tv). The web has opened up a whole new world though. What about blogging, or as I’d rather say, self-publishing and syndication? If I create an easy to use and subscribe to web …


Record Media Attendance

Chuck Zimmerman

I’ve been told that we have a record number of media representatives (reporters) covering the Cattle Industry Convention this year. I know I saw more at the media reception tonight than I’ve ever seen before. Thank you Merial for sponsoring it and the excellent food, especially the little steaks that were fork tender! Because of all the reporters here I’ve …
