Interactive Media Producer

Chuck Zimmerman

Jason MeekerHere’s a new communications title I haven’t seen before. Interactive media producer. This new media world is spawning a lot of uh, new things. It looks like Successful Farming is gearing up to move further ahead into this online world we live in. Kudos! It will be interesting to see some of Jason’s product.

Media, Publication

Farm Broadcaster of the Year

Chuck Zimmerman

Stewart DoanGood old (not really) Stewart Doan got a big award at last week’s NAFB convention. He was named the Farm Broadcaster of the Year. Looking at his schedule of duties I hope he has an open account at Starbucks.

Media, NAFB

Live News On RFD-TV

Chuck Zimmerman

Mike MillerMy goodness, this is like deja vu. Mike Miller will be anchoring agricultural news on RFD-TV starting in January. I haven’t seen Mike in many years but was thrilled to run into him in Kansas City last week. Mike’s always been a good friend.

In fact, Mike talked me into working with him on an agricultural tv venture in Houston, Texas many moons ago. (Remember that Mike?) I stayed at his house and we commuted in to the studios each day. Oh my gosh does that bring back memories. That was before I joined Learfield Communications and the Brownfield Network and moved to Jefferson City, MO.


Traditional and New Media in Indiana

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast93 - Hoosier Ag TodayI’m not back to regular office hours yet. Give me another day or so. But I do have internet access so you do get a ZimmCast this week.

In this week’s program you’ll hear from Gary Truitt, Hoosier Ag Today. Gary just got started with his new venture recently and he’s got a website, radio network and has started podcasting.

I interviewed Gary at his office in Indianapolis on a recent trip and learned more about what he’s doing and what he thinks the future holds.

Audio, Media, ZimmCast

Get Your PDR, PDQ

Chuck Zimmerman

Colonel Jon & Emery KlevenIt’s not often that a caricature improves the looks of the subject but in this case . . .

Colonel Jon Phillips and Emery Kleven have teamed up to start the Price Discovery Report. It’s a new farm broadcast network in “Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, South Dakota and Minnesota.”
