RFA Ethanol Podcast

NAFB To Honor Lee McCoy and Evan Slack

Chuck Zimmerman

The National Association of Farm Broadcasting will honor two of its finest during this year’s convention on Thursday, November 12. The honor will be presented during the Night of Honors Celebration Banquet. Lee McCoy and Evan Slack have been voted into the NAFB Hall of Fame by the Hall of Fame Committee — a working group of five individuals composed …

Media, NAFB

Awards for Successful Farming and Agriculture.com

Cindy Zimmerman

The young and beginning farmers behind the Farmers for the Future project at Successful Farming magazine and Agriculture.com netted the media company two awards at the recent Media Industry News (MIN) Integrated Marketing Awards held in New York. Pictured accepting the awards on behalf of Successful Farming magazine are John Walter, Executive Editor and Jeff Caldwell, Multimedia Editor. The Farmers …


What’s Your Definition of Cowboy?

Amanda Nolz

Everyone has a different idea of who or what a cowboy is. While most definitions vary widely, there is one thing that they all have in common: pride in American agriculture and dedication to get the job done right. Recently, I ran across an article titled, “Who Cares About Cowboys Anymore?” and it discussed how the average American consumer doesn’t …


Get it Right – Call it H1N1

Cindy Zimmerman

U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack yesterday urged reporters to “get it right” and call it H1N1. “The job of the media is to get it right and not necessarily to get it convenient,” said Vilsack. “Some media outlets have been responsive and sensitive to this, but there’s really not been a concerted effort by the media to do a good …

Media, Pork, Social Networking

TIME for Yellow Journalism

Cindy Zimmerman

If you look up the definition of “yellow journalism” you should find a picture of last week’s TIME Magazine cover story – which was renamed “Getting Real about the High Cost of Cheap Food” – after first being headlined “America’s Food Crisis and How to Fix it.” Wikipedia gives several characteristics of yellow journalism that fit this attack on modern …

Corn, Livestock, Media, Swine, Wackos

How Journalists Are Using Blogs To Cover Ag

Chuck Zimmerman

Jim Evans, Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, has written a great article about the use of blogs in agricultural communications. It’s titled, “Why and how journalists around the world are using blogs to cover agriculture” and you can find it on the IFAJ website. Here’s an excerpt: During late 2005 agricultural communications researchers Emily Rhoades and Kelsey Hall conducted what may …

IFAJ, Media

Bumper Crops Still Possible

Chuck Zimmerman

With a little cooperation from the weather we might see some interesting corn and soybean crop results this year. Can you say feed and fuel in the same breath? Bumper corn and soybean crops are still possible in 2009, despite a very unusual growing season, according to the latest Farm Futures survey of U.S. farmers. Corn production could reach 12.545 …


4-H Flag Destined for Outer Space

Amanda Nolz

4-H had a big role in shaping my life. I still remember my first purple ribbon, my first speech, my first batch of 4-H cookies, my first show steer and my first trophy. I can remember how much those “firsts” meant to me because I had spent years as a Clover Bud, waiting my turn to FINALLY be in 4-H. …


AG CONNECT Expo Teams Up With Farm Journal Media

Chuck Zimmerman

It seems like the list of companies and organizations that are partnering and participating in the new AG CONNECT Expo continues to grow. This time AEM has announced an alliance with Farm Journal Media to promote the new show Under this agreement, Farm Journal Media will represent AEM in exhibit booth sales outside of AEM and FEMA membership, publish the …

AEM, Media

Debate Heating Up Over Climate Change Bill

Cindy Zimmerman

Is it hot in DC or is it just global warming? Agriculture, biofuels and environmental groups are all weighing in on the sweeping “climate change” bill expected to come up for a vote in the House tomorrow. A deal made by House Ag Committee Chairman Collin Peterson (D-MN) and House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) this week …

Environment, Media