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Fastline Top Ten Ag Twitter Users

Chuck Zimmerman

You know social media has become part of the ag communications world when you start seeing top ten lists like this one from Fastline (Part 1 and Part 2). I’m honored to have been selected for it and congratulate all the folks listed. There are many, many people now using social media like Twitter and all the other channels to …

Media, Social Networking

John Walter is Social Media Superstar

Chuck Zimmerman

Media Industry News selected one of our own as a Social Media Superstar. He’s John Walter, Successful Farming Executive Editor. John knows where we’ve been when it comes to convincing agrimarketers that farmers are like “regular people” when it comes to new and social media. Congratulations to him for this recognition! Walter was one of the founders of, the …


Farm Broadcaster of the Year Unemployed

Cindy Zimmerman

Just a couple of weeks ago, former NAFB president Ken Root was grinning from ear to ear as he accepted the coveted Farm Broadcaster of the Year award from the National Association of Farm Broadcasting. This week, he was unceremoniously let go by a company that has a reputation for not appreciating the work of talented and respected farm broadcasters. …

Media, NAFB

Farmers and Farm Media Use of Internet Tools

Cindy Zimmerman

This week’s ZimmCast features two interviews done at the National Association of Farm Broadcasting annual meeting last week in Kansas City. We have been attending the NAFB convention since 1985 and some things never change – like Ted Haller, for example. But, other things – like Ted’s hair – do change, and in recent years that has been the emphasis …

Audio, Media, NAFB

Give Up Meat To Save the Planet?

Amanda Nolz

A group called the Vegetarian Society is standing up once again attribute global warming and the end to the universe to meat eaters. The article, Climate chief Lord Stern: give up meat to save the planet, published in Times Online, urged folks to turn vegetarian in order for the world to conquer climate change. In an interview with The Times, …

Food, Media, Sustainability

Cattle Company Forces Change in Michael Pollan University Lecture

Amanda Nolz

Finally, someone puts some pressure on Michael Pollan. He’s scheduled to speak at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in an unopposed keynote speech for college students geared on the topic of animal agriculture and food production. However, in a recent article in the Triple Pundit, sources revealed that David Wood, chairman of the Harris Ranch Beef Co., urged the university …

Beef, Media

Talking NAFB With Bill O’Neill

Chuck Zimmerman

The National Association of Farm Broadcasting has seen some significant changes in the last 4 years and the staff leader has been Bill O’Neill. Bill is stepping down at the end of this year to pursue some personal interests and I spoke with him about his decision and his years working with the organization. He says he’s going to move …

Audio, Media, NAFB, ZimmCast

NAFB Executive Director Stepping Down

Chuck Zimmerman

Just received word that Bill O’Neill, the Executive Director of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting, will be stepping down. The NAFB Board has accepted his resignation effective December 31. You can hear all about it from NAFB President, Pam Jahnke, who has recorded an audio statement (mp3). Pam Jahnke, current president of NAFB said that O’Neill plans on pursuing …

Media, NAFB