2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Third Tech Hub LIVE Proves Premier Status

Cindy Zimmerman

It was only two years ago that the very first Tech Hub LIVE debuted in Des Moines and already it has proven itself to be the premier event for advancing tech-enabled agriculture. Meister Media Worldwide chairman and CEO Gary Fitzgerald was very pleased with the success of the event this year. “I’ve been told it’s 25 or 30 percent growth …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Media, Precision Agriculture, Tech Hub LIVE, Technology

ZimmCast 715 – Preview of the 2023 Ag Media Summit

Chuck Zimmerman

After getting a break from the agriblogging highway the ZimmComm Team has used the time for some needed work on headquarters. Fortunately it has been indoors as the temperatures are high and a lot of rain has fallen until the last couple days. So now it’s time to look ahead to some events we will be attending. The first one …

ACN, Ag Media Summit, Audio, LPC, Media, ZimmCast

The IFAJ Flag has been passed to Switzerland

Chuck Zimmerman

The International Federation of Agricultural Journalists has several traditions. One is at the end of the annual Congress when the IFAJ Flag is passed on to a representative of the country guild that will be hosting next year’s Congress. In this case the flag is being passed to Switzerland. Representing is Markus Rediger, past president of IFAJ and in Switzerland …

Audio, IFAJ, International, Media

ZimmCast 714 – Margy Eckelkamp, Farm Journal

Cindy Zimmerman

In this episode of the ZimmCast we are featuring an interview with AgWired’s first intern. Margy Eckelkamp was Margy Fischer and a senior at the University of Missouri when she and Mary Irelan were chosen by Monsanto to be the student bloggers for the 2006 Commodity Classic – the first time it had ever been done and this new media …

Audio, Farm Journal, Journalism, Media, Podcasts, ZimmCast

2023 IFAJ World Congress Concludes

Chuck Zimmerman

The 2023 IFAJ Congress has concluded and attendees are on there way to post-congress tours, back home or spending more days on their own visiting farms and other parts of Canada. I’m heading back to Calgary for the Alltech ONE World Tour event which starts with a reception tonight and a day of presentations on Tuesday. Then I’ll head home …

IFAJ, International, Media

Margy Eckelkamp Promoted at Farm Journal

Cindy Zimmerman

Congratulations to the highly-talented Margy Eckelkamp, who has been named leader of Farm Journal’s Top Producer brand. Her new role will include directing editorial content for Top Producer in print and online and developing the program for Top Producer Summit, the industry’s top educational event for large-scale farmers and ranchers. “I look forward to stewarding these outstanding brands as they …

Journalism, Media

Farm Journal Appoints New CEO

Chuck Zimmerman

Farm Journal has announced that Prescott Shibles has joined the company as CEO. He takes over from Andy Weber who retires after 23 years as CEO and becomes vice chairman of Farm Journal’s board of directors. Shibles is a highly regarded digital media and business information leader with more than 20 years of history delivering data- and technology-driven transformations. He …

Farm Journal, Media