The famous Brownfield Ag News NAMA party will be a Honky Tonk affair here in Jacksonville this evening after the trade show closes. The venue is Mavericks at The Landing, which is just a short walk from the hotel. The fun starts at 9:00 pm and goes until midnight and of course the ZimmComm photo crew will be there to …
The Big O is 8-0!
It was a big celebration last week when NAFB past president and long time WGN Radio farm broadcaster, Orion Samuelson turned 80. Orion has been on WGN Radio for 53 and a half years. Yes, the half counts! As a young girl growing up in Illinois, I have listened to Orion report the numbers, listened to his noon shows with …
NAMA Group Trip to St. Augustine
We were supposed to go deep sea fishing on Monday but that got blown out by 5-6 foot waves so instead we arranged a fun, factual, and filling trip to St. Augustine. Ag Net Media and ZimmComm hosted the few and happy that were able to come in a day or so early on a Savory Faire Walking Food Tour …
Ag Journalists Meet in DC
The North American Agricultural Journalists (NAAJ) annual meeting is wrapping up today in Washington, D.C. Last night was the NAAJ-Sonja Hillgren Scholarship and Writing Awards Banquet at the National Press Club where the best of the best were honored after a full schedule of hearing from administration officials and lawmakers. Receiving the Agricultural Journalist of the Year award was Shannon …
Registration for IFAJ 2014 Now Open
It’s that time. Time to register for the 2014 IFAJ Congress, “Innovations From a Small Island.” Cindy and I are looking for sponsor support for this year’s event. If you’re interested please contact me. Yep, that’s right – we’ve tested the system far and wide. Registration is quick and simple, with payment made by a secure online transaction. “Our supplier …
Happy 10th Anniversary to Agri-Pulse
Just like us, our friends at Agri-Pulse started their company in 2004, so we are celebrating our tenth anniversary together! Also like us, Agri-Pulse is run by a husband and wife from a home office in a nice vacation spot, so we have a place to wind down when not on the road – which is more often than not! …
Farm Movie Screenings Scheduled
Movie screenings for The Great American Wheat Harvest have been scheduled and more will be. The first one is April 2, 2014 in Lincoln, NE from 7-9pm which will be the kickoff of the “Heart of America Tour.” The location is The Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 313 N. 13th Street. An RSVP is required. Register …
ZimmGlass for Agricultural Journalism?
The ZimmGlass Project is all about using this new wearable technology to see how it can fit into the work flow of an agricultural journalist. I’ve been using it for this purpose in the field since early January. I’ve published many videos using ZimmGlass (the name for my Glass) that include face to face interviews, in the cab tractor demonstrations …
ABM Agri Media Council Issues New Research Report
There’s a new research report out from the Association of Business Information & Media Companies, Agri Media Council. The biennial report details how readers engage with agricultural media. The survey finds that loyalty to and use of print media remains strong among farmers and ranchers, and that growth in digital media is not coming at the expense of print. Key …
A Sad Goodbye to Joe Watson
I am shocked and saddened by the abrupt passing of Joe Watson. He is one of many agricultural journalists Cindy and I have come to know and love around the world through our participation in IFAJ. This is a photo of yours truly with Joe during the closing banquet at last year’s IFAJ Congress in Argentina. Joe was dressed in …