I was streaming live audio from today’s workshop all day. We had about 800 different people tune in and many stayed with it all day. It was a fascinating event in many ways, especially hearing so many different opinions in such a short period of time! I’ve got most of the conference recorded and will be sharing out tidbits in …
USDA/DOJ Public Workshop Press Conference
Sec. of Agriculture Tom Vilsack and Attorney General Eric Holder held a press conference this morning during a break in the USDA/DOJ public workshop in Ft. Collins, CO. I’m posting the full audio from it here for you. I’ve got lots of audio and story ideas for after today. I think getting photos, audio and live streaming to the over …
USDA/DOJ Public Workshop On Livestock Competition
It’s a beautiful day on the campus of Colorado State University. The activity is picking up at the Lory Student Center where today’s USDA/DOJ public workshop will take place. A large crowd is already outside waiting for the doors to open. The media got in early to set up and make sure we’ve got internet access, etc. I’ll be live …
Opening Remarks At GIPSA Rule Forum
I’m betting that by the end of today’s USDA/DOJ public workshop (it is today) we’re going to know a lot more about the proposed GIPSA rule and what it means for everyone in the livestock industry. I’ve got quite a bit of information from the evening’s forums that I’ll post when time allows in coming days and weeks. To get …
Live Audio From R-Calf GIPSA Forum
Now I’m attending the R-Calf GIPSA forum. Got here a little late. They’ve got an overflow crowd. There are several speakers to go. The language being used in the presentations is very different. Lots of references to factory farms and corporate control. No definition given though. I tried to live stream the audio but I couldn’t get on the hotel …
Live Audio GIPSA Forum With NCBA/NPPC
I’ve been live streaming the audio from this evening’s forum and press conference on the proposed GIPSA rule. I’ll be posting selected audio and interviews at some later time since I have another forum to try to attend this evening and then an all day workshop tomorrow. I hope all you who listened got something out of it. It’s always …
Learning More About GIPSA
It’s time for some livestock industry forums in Ft. Collins, CO. I’m attending the first one which is the NCBA/NPPC GIPSA Rule Press Briefing. We’re in the Hilton for this session. I’ll be attending another one later this evening too. It looks like we’ve got people rolling in and the room is set up for a big crowd. Media are …
Legislators Question USDA Objectivity On GIPSA/Workshops
The forums and USDA/DOJ public workshop I’ll be attending in Ft. Collins, CO get more interesting by the minute it seems like. Today a letter was sent to Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack from Senators Pat Roberts (R-KS), Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), Mike Johanns (R-NE), Sam Brownback (R-KS), and Tom Coburn (R-OK) expressing some concerns about a USDA official helping to …
Some Groups Support GIPSA Rule
We’ve been hearing a lot from producers and organizations with concerns about the proposed Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) rule, but there are some groups in favor of the rule. The most vocal is R-CALF USA, led by CEO Bill Bullard, who calls the proposed rule “critical” to help “an industry in crisis.” Bullard contends that the rule …
NCBA President Urges Piecemeal Approach To GIPSA Rule
He’s a western Illinois cattle and hog producer and also has a feed yard. He’s Steve Foglesong, President of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. I spoke with Steve today for our series on the proposed GIPSA rule making. The picture is Steve during a press conference at this summer’s Cattle Industry Conference. He says that when you read the proposed …